#VetsTownHall Will Field Questions on Women Veterans

Along with the Department of Labor, we’ll be co-hosting a Twitter Town Hall on May 22 at 12PM eastern. The focus of the discussion will be on female Veterans, to include health care and benefits.

From The Department of Labor:

You’ll have the chance to ask questions about resources and services available to women Veterans as they return home from active duty. Officials from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will take part in the discussion, as well as special guests from John 14:2, Inc., Women Veterans Interactive, and Business and Professional Women’s Foundation.

During the chat, DOL will discuss the department’s efforts to assist servicewomen with the resources necessary to successfully reintegrate back into civilian life.

We hope to see a lively discussion. See you on Twitter at noon eastern. Be sure to use the #VetsTownHall hashtag and tweet questions to @DeptVetAffairs.

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