Small Business

Small business is the backbone of our economy, creating two-thirds of the new jobs in the past 15 years.  That’s why I work hard in Congress to create an environment that helps the private sector job creators like small businesses to create jobs and stimulate our economy through lower taxes and elimination of onerous regulations.  As a recipient of the National Federation of Independent Businesses’ “Guardian of Small Business Award,” my aim is to ensure that entrepreneurs can thrive for years to come in Wisconsin.

According to an October 2011 Gallup poll, small businesses reported that the most important challenge they face is government regulations. In the 112th Congress, the House passed legislation to rein in government red tape and reform the regulatory process by requiring rule-making agencies to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of how regulations would impact small businesses. Congress also repealed the 3% withholding requirement, which would have adversely impacted small business contractors by forcing them to temporarily forfeit 3% of their profits.

Job creators need access to capital to invest and create jobs, but in this uncertain economic environment, small businesses face an uphill battle. To help aid capital formation, I also supported legislation to provide new opportunities for capital formation and voted in favor of the Republican House budget that would reduce uncertainty by paying down our debt and ending out-of-control spending.

Read more about the Plan for America’s Job Creators online.