Health Care

I share the concerns of many Americans who believe that health care costs too much, insurance is unaffordable and the system needs to be reformed.  In 2010, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law.  This law shifts the power from patients, doctors and businesses to the federal government.  I do not support this reform because it imposes excessive mandates, tax hikes and subsidies that will significantly increase the cost of healthcare while reducing the quality of services.  

In the first month of the 112th Congress, the House of Representatives passed a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act as the first step to replacing it with real reform.  This vote was representative of a collective effort to remove a massive and expensive government intrusion into the healthcare of Americans.  Although this bill did not make it past the Senate, I remain committed reforming the current healthcare system. However, it is imperative that Congress propose a sensible solution that contains costs and sustains the system. 

I have supported alternative legislation to help the nation's 47 million uninsured individuals obtain health coverage. Real healthcare reform must target the major broken pieces of the system – affordability and accessibility. Individual choice and free market competition – which currently do not exist – are also steps in the right direction.

Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner dropped off a copy of H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act at the Elm Grove Public Library on Saturday, October 31, 2009 before his Town Hall Meeting. 

Related Documents:

March 23, 2012
Jim's Weekly Column
- Reality Check: Two-Year Anniversary of Obama's Health Care Law No Celebration

February 2, 2012
Jim's Weekly Column
- Obamacare Unravels

February 11, 2011
Press Releases and Statements
- Sensenbrenner Supports Working Parents – Introduces Bill to Benefit Them

February 4, 2011
Jim's Weekly Column
- An Unconstitutional Mandate

January 20, 2011
Jim's Weekly Column
- Repealing Health Care

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