
I am a University of Wisconsin Law School graduate, and the former Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. As the current Chairman of the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, I apply a pragmatic and common-sense approach to legislating.  Ultimately, effective laws should provide law enforcement with the appropriate tools and measures to protect our borders and hunt down criminals. 

2nd Amendment Rights:

Hunting and the great outdoors are enjoyed by many Wisconsinites.  All law-abiding citizens should have their Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms” honored.  I remain committed to supporting legislation that ensures the long term health and vitality of our public lands, so that Wisconsinites will be able to continue to enjoy their Second Amendment rights and the many outdoor sports that make Wisconsin great.

Protect our children:

I am also proud of my efforts to protect children through initiatives such as the Protect Act and the Adam Walsh Act.  The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act seeks to protect our children from convicted sex offenders, combat child sexual abuse, and ensure that adequate resources are devoted to the investigation and prosecution of those who commit these heinous crimes.  Convicted sex offenders often evade current state registration requirements and go on to commit additional offenses.  I am committed to strengthening our child safety programs by expanding the coverage of the national sex offender registry. The federal registry will help communities to identify potentially dangerous sex offenders who may pose a threat.  

Americans with Disabilities: 

An issue that I have long fought for during my time in Congress is improving treatment and increasing opportunity for Americans with disabilities.  In 2007, I proudly introduced the Americans with Disabilities Restoration Act (ADA). This bipartisan bill was signed into law by President Bush and protects individuals with a disability from workplace discrimination. Since enacted, fewer citizens are judged by their physical and mental impairments, and are instead evaluated according to their character and qualifications.

Our country’s first principles were founded in the spirit of equal opportunity.  I believe that all citizens deserve protection from physical and societal barriers so they may fully pursue the American Dream. 

Related Documents:

February 1, 2013
Press Releases and Statements
- Bipartisan Members of Judiciary Committee File Amicus Brief in Support of Voting Rights Act

August 2, 2012
Press Releases and Statements
- House Passes Adam Walsh Reauthorization

July 30, 2012
Opinion Pieces
- POLITICO OpEd- Politicizing the Voting Rights Act

June 20, 2012
Press Releases and Statements
- Sensenbrenner Holds Hearing on DEA, Calls for Future Congressional Oversight

June 20, 2012
Press Releases and Statements
- Sensenbrenner Releases Memo: Obama’s Executive Privilege Illegal

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