SEVIS: Batch-file Transfer Processing

Current Release Batch Process

  • SEVIS Batch Processing Rules (PDF | 81 KB) — This document provides guidelines for using the SEVIS Batch Interface.
  • Customer Agreement for Using the SEVIS Batch-File Transfer Process (PDF | 82 KB)
  • Process for Using the SEVIS Batch-File Transfer (PDF | 30 KB)
  • Blank Tag Matrix – April 2011 (XLS | 115 KB) — The Blank Tag Matrix provides full schema details regarding the use of uploading blank (null) tags while using the SEVIS Batch Interface. This document illustrates which XML tags can be uploaded with null values and also those where no XML tag is necessary to achieve a successful upload into the system.

Upcoming Releases Batch Information

SEVIS Release 6.12

The following files are being provided in advance of the upgrade to SEVIS Release 6.12 to allow Batch schools, programs, and vendors to make necessary modifications. During the separate upgrades of the Beta Testing and Production environments, the updated schemas will be place in the correct locations for each. In addition, the Batch API on this page will be updated to the Release 6.12 version on the Beta environment implementation date.

  • SEVIS Batch System Changes – Releases 6.12 (PDF | 52 KB)
  • SEVIS Common Schema – Release 6.12 (XSD | 21 KB)
  • SEVIS Create-Update Student Schema – Release 6.12 (XSD | 50 KB)
  • SEVIS Create-Update Exchange Visitor Schema – Release 6.12 (XSD | 37 KB)

SEVIS Release 6.13

The following files are being provided in advance of the upgrade to SEVIS Release 6.13 to allow Batch programs and vendors to make necessary modifications. During the separate upgrades of the Beta Testing and Production environments, the updated schemas will be place in the correct locations for each. In addition, the Batch API on this page will be updated to the Release 6.13 version on the Beta environment implementation date.

  • SEVIS Batch System Changes – Release 6.13 (PDF | 52 KB)
  • SEVIS Common Schema – Release 6.13 (XSD | 21 KB)
  • SEVIS Create-Update Exchange Visitor Schema – Release 6.13 (XSD | 38 KB)
  • SEVIS Transaction Log Schema – Release 6.13 (XSD | 12 KB)



File Title: SEVIS API
Description: Specifies the batch interface between the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) and the institutions' internal systems (user systems). This file contains the all of the information through Appendix E referenced in the table of contents. Please see below for Appendix F and Attachments A through E.
File Date: 10/24/2012
File Size: 1.4 MB
File Type: PDF
File Name: batch_api_6.11_101512_main.pdf
File Title: SEVIS API
Description: Specifies the batch interface between the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) and the institutions' internal systems (user systems). This file contains the all of the information through Appendix E referenced in the table of contents. Please see below for Appendix F and Attachments A through E.
File Date: 10/24/2012
File Size: 2.2 MB
File Type: MS WORD
File Name: batch_api_6.11_101512_main.doc
File Title: SEVIS Lookup Tables
Description: Appendix F of the SEVIS API. Contains the codes referenced in Create-UpdateStudent.xsd and Create-UpdateExchangeVisitor.xsd.
File Date: 10/24/2012
File Size: 5.1 MB
File Type: PDF
File Name: batch_api_6.11_101512_appf.pdf
File Title: SEVIS Lookup Tables
Description: Appendix F of the SEVIS API. Contains the codes referenced in Create-UpdateStudent.xsd and Create-UpdateExchangeVisitor.xsd.
File Date: 10/24/2012
File Size: 4.1 MB
File Type: MS Word
File Name: batch_api_6.11_101512_appf.doc

XSD Files

NOTE: The following XML schemas are for the Production environment. The version within the XML schemas reflects the release when each was last modified.

File Title: SEVIS Create-UpdateStudent
Description: Attachment A of the SEVIS API. Defines the format of the data document containing student information uploaded to SEVIS.
File Date: 04/22/2011
File Size: 51 KB
File Type: .xsd
File Name: Create-UpdateStudent.xsd
File Title: SEVIS Create – Update Exchange Visitor
Description: Attachment B of the SEVIS API. Defines the format of the data document containing exchange visitor information uploaded to SEVIS.
File Date: 06/24/11
File Size: 37 KB
File Type: .xsd
File Name: Create-UpdateExchangeVisitor.xsd
File Title: SEVIS Common
Description: Attachment C of the SEVIS API. Defines the generic data structures that are referenced in Create-UpdateStudent.xsd and Create-UpdateExchangeVisitor.xsd..
File Date: 02/20/2009
File Size: 22 KB
File Type: .xsd
File Name: Common.xsd
File Title: SEVIS Table
Description: Attachment D of the SEVIS API. Contains the codes referenced in Create-UpdateStudent.xsd and Create- UpdateExchangeVisitor.xsd.
File Date: 12/07/2012
File Size: 141 KB
File Type: .xsd
File Name: SEVISTable.xsd
File Title: SEVIS Transaction Log
Description: Attachment E of the SEVIS API. Defines the format of the transaction log that is downloaded from SEVIS.
File Date: 06/29/2007
File Size: 13 KB
File Type: .xsd
File Name: SevisTransLog.xsd