NOAA Cooperative Institutes

NOAA's Cooperative Institutes are academic institutions that collaborate in a large portion of NOAA's research and play a vital role in broadening NOAA's ability to provide the expanding array of environmental assessment and predictions required to address the nation's forecasting needs.

Because many Cooperative Institutes are collocated with NOAA research laboratories, there is a strong, long-term collaboration between scientists in the laboratories and in the university. Cooperative Institutes not collocated with a NOAA laboratory often serve diverse research communities and research programs throughout NOAA.

Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research (CIFAR)
CIFAR is a cooperative institute with the University of Alaska. CIFAR conducts research on a variety of issues critical to the Arctic and focuses on fisheries oceanography; hydrographic studies; sea-ice dynamics; atmospheric research; climate dynamics and variability; tsunami research and prediction, assessment, and monitoring; and numerical modeling.

Cooperative Institute for Climate and Ocean Research (CICOR)
CICOR is a cooperative institute with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The research activities of CICOR are organized around the coastal ocean and near-shore processes, the ocean's participation in climate and climate variability, and marine ecosystem processes analysis.

Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research (CILER)
CILER is a regional cooperative institute with the University of Michigan, with formal links to Michigan State University and universities throughout the Great Lakes Region. Primary research focuses on climate and large-lake dynamics, coastal and nearshore processes, large-lake ecosystem structure and function, remote sensing of large lake and coastal ocean dynamics, and marine environmental engineering.

Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS)
CIMAS is a cooperative institute with the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences that works closely with AOML. Research is conducted within five themes-Climate Variability, Fisheries Dynamics, Ocean Observing Systems, Air-sea Interaction, and Coastal Ocean Ecosystem Processes-all in collaboration with NMFS. The latter theme is also in collaboration with OAR.

Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies (CIMRS)
The CIMRS is a cooperative institute at Oregon State University that brings together scientists from NOAA's Northwest Fisheries Science Center, the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, and Oregon State University to work on problems of mutual interest relating to the living and non-living components of the marine environment and their interrelationships. CIMRS research staff is currently involved in scientific efforts that parallel NOAA's program objectives in the areas of geological/chemical and fisheries oceanography.

Cooperative Marine Education and Research (CMER) Program
The CMER program is a partnership between NOAA and five academic institutions: the University of Massachusetts, the University of Rhode Island, Rutgers University, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and Hampton University. This cooperative program addresses mission-related research problems identified by the agency and facilitates the training of marine scientists and strives to help the nation meet the challenges posed by issues of resource management in the marine environment.

Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research (JIMAR)
JIMAR is a cooperative institute with the University of Hawaii. Research includes equatorial oceanography, climate research, tsunamis, fisheries oceanography, tropical meteorology, and coastal research. JIMAR works closely with the Pacific Islands Region and Southwest Region of NMFS and NWS, as well as the Coastal Services Center in Honolulu.

Joint Institute for Marine Observations (JIMO)
JIMO is a cooperative institute with the University of California's Scripps Institution of Oceanography. State-of-the-art observation capabilities-such as platforms (surface, subsea, and air/space), sensors, and systems architecture-are utilized to fill pressing research needs. Of particular interest at JIMO are coupled ocean-atmosphere climate research, oceanography, marine geology and geophysics, and ocean technology.

Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO)
JISAO is a cooperative institute with the University of Washington. JISAO complements the research at PMEL in climate variability, environmental chemistry, estuarine processes, tsunami forecast modeling, and interannual variability of fisheries recruitment.

Ecosystem Programs

Aquaculture Coastal Marine Resources Enforcement
Fisheries Management Protected Species Ecosystem Observations
Coral Reef Conservation Habitat Ecosystem Research