2010 Bi-national Criminal Proceeds Study

In June 2010, ICE and the DHS Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement, in cooperation with the government of Mexico, issued the Bi-National Criminal Proceeds Study. This bilateral study focuses on how criminal enterprises move illicit proceeds across borders.

It is well understood that the primary goal of organized crime is profit. Estimates for the amount of cash that travels from the United States to Mexico to fuel the criminal operations of drug cartels range from $19 to $29 billion each year.

What has not been as well understood by law enforcement is how and where that cash is collected, transported and delivered. This study is an important step in understanding the nature of money laundering and bulk cash smuggling today, and will help to enhance law enforcement strategy for dismantling the financial infrastructure of criminal organizations.

Download the Bi-National Criminal Proceeds Study. (PDF | 1 MB)