Onsite Research

NETL’s Office of Research & Development provides the science and engineering basis for the discovery, development, and sustainable deployment of next-generation energy systems that meet the U.S. DOE’s goals for safety, affordability, and National energy security by effectively leveraging its people and its R&D capabilities in strategic partnerships with academia, other research institutions, and the private sector.

Research Programs

NETL onsite R&D programs help industrial and academic partners solve problems that would otherwise become barriers to : commercializing power systems and fuels, as well as environmental and waste management technologies.

Coal |  Oil & Gas |  Environmental  |  Advanced

Research Capabilities

The NETL research staff combines state-of-the-art research facilities with extensive experience working with fossil resources, creating an award-winning combination. Onsite researchers partner with NETL's industrial clients to overcome barriers for commercialization of power systems and fuels, as well as environmental and waste management. 

Expertise of Researches |  Facilities & Equipment


NETL R&D partnership agreements for academic and private-sector organizations include funds-in agreements and licensing agreements (CRADAs) among others. 

Current |  History & Success |  How to Begin  |  International

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