Immigrant and Refugee Health Resources

COVID-19 Materials for Migrants, Refugees, and Other Limited-English-Proficient Populations

CDC has created a communication toolkit to help public health professionals, health departments, community organizations, and healthcare systems and providers reach populations, including refugees, who may need COVID-19 prevention messaging in their native languages.

This toolkit provides:

  • Current messaging from a trusted source.
  • Information in plain language available for downloading and sharing.
  • Translated materials to help communities disseminate messages to a wider audience.
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Visit Resources for Limited-English-Proficient Populations to access the communication toolkit.

Seasonal Flu Materials for Refugees

Four seasonal flu documents were developed as a result of focus groups and educational sessions conducted with refugees in their native languages. The materials are designed to improve knowledge of seasonal flu in refugee populations; thus they are written in the native languages of refugee populations commonly resettled in the United States. All four documents are tailored for low literacy populations by using minimal text and using visual cues to portray seasonal flu information.

Visit CDC-INFO to order printed copies of these documents, or call 1-800-CDC-INFO.

Flu and You

Cleaning to Prevent Flu

Talking to Children about Flu

This document is a guide for parents who want to talk to their children about flu. Talking to Children about Flu includes how children can keep from getting the flu, healthy habits for children, and opportunities to answer questions your child may have about flu.

First page of the influenza document titled 'Talking to Children About Flu.'

If Your Child Gets Sick with Flu

This document is a guide for parents who have a child who is sick with flu. If Your Child Gets Sick with Flu includes advice for what you need to do if your child is sick with flu, flu symptoms your child may have, and ways you can keep your sick child from spreading flu.

First page of the influenza document titled 'If Your Child Gets the Flu.'

Additional Resources


  • Hepatitis B
    A series of fact sheets and other patient education resources on hepatitis B. Materials are available in several languages, including languages spoken by refugee communities in the United States.
  • Measles
    A series of fact sheets and other measles education resources for parents and childcare providers. Materials are available in several languages, including a fact sheet pdf icon[PDF – 2 pages] and an infographic pdf icon[PDF – 1 page] in Ukrainian.
  • Natural Disasters and Severe Weather
    Resources include how to stay safe after a hurricane. Materials are available in several languages, including languages spoken by refugee communities in the United States.

National Institutes of Health

  • HealthReachexternal icon
    An online repository of multilingual and multicultural health education materials for refugees as well as clinicians providing care to persons with limited English proficiency. Materials include, but are not limited to, disease-specific information and population-specific resources. HealthReach evolved from the Refugee Health Information Network (RHIN) and is now part of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, with support from the National Institutes of Health.
  • Outreach Activities and Researchexternal icon
    An online repository of multicultural resources and health information, including some translated health resources in multiple languages. Other materials include, but are not limited to, educational resources on cultural competency and information on health literacy