Garrett Statement on the So-Called HHS Mandate Policy "Update"

Feb 4, 2013 Issues: Constitution, Health Care

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), founder and Chairman of the Congressional Constitution Caucus, issued the following statement in response to "updates" announced by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding its decision mandating religious employers that provide group health insurance to cover all forms of contraception, regardless of the tenets of their faith:

“The First Amendment explicitly protects an individual’s right—not just religious organizations or churches, as the Administration tried to claim on Friday—to freely exercise their faith.  President Obama’s requirement that religious employers provide contraceptives, in direct violation of the teachings of many faiths, demonstrates a categorical disregard for conscience.  Under the so-called “updated” rule, non-profit organizations that are not specifically connected to a church and for-profit businesses owned by people of faith will continue to be forced to comply with the mandate.  Unmistakably, this is a violation of their First Amendment right. 

“President Obama’s breach upon the First Amendment, inexcusably, represents a larger trend of this administration’s constant assault on the Constitution.  It must be stopped.  It is my sincere hope that our fight to defend our country and to preserve the rule of law does not end here.”
