February 13, 2013

It Took a Long, Long Road to Get Here

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For the 35 new residents of the recently restored Rosedale Community in Birmingham who gathered on a recent winter morning, there was a feeling a little like that expressed by Alicia Keys in her latest hit, “A Brand New Kind of Me,” which includes the lines, “It took a long, long road to get here.  [...]

February 12, 2013

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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“Home prices increase in 88 percent of U.S. Cities as recovery broadens,” reports the Courier-Journal. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution writes, “Foreclosure notices at lowest level in years.” “Disparate Impact and Fair Housing: Seven Cases You Should Know,” says ProPublica via OPB. The Washington Post prints, “Washington D.C. region is a seller’s market.”


Attractive, Affordable Housing Making a Difference in Atlanta

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The City of Atlanta is successfully restoring the Edgewood neighborhood to its former beauty while incorporating green building design through HUD’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP).  The goal of the program is to stabilize communities that have suffered from foreclosures and abandonment.  Now, with the assistance of NSP, Edgewood is in the midst of a community [...]

February 11, 2013

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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CNN Money reports, “A sign the housing recovery just might stick.” “The Path To Home Ownership Is Getting Smoother,” says Vatalyst. The Street prints, “Obama Makes Renewed Push for Lower Rates on Refinancing.” “Americans Are Tapping Into Home Equity Again,” reports CNBC.   “Mold? Leaky Roof? Obama Administration Says All Americans Must Have ‘Healthy Housing,’” [...]

February 8, 2013

Reaffirming the Fair Housing Act

Great strides have been made toward ending discrimination in housing since passage of the Fair Housing Act in 1968. Unfortunately, discrimination continues, often in subtle forms. I’m proud to announce that today HUD took an important step forward in our continuing efforts to expose and end discrimination in housing, through the issuance of a rule [...]
