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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Off Base Referral Services

If housing is not available on base you will need to look for rentals out in town. The housing Services Office (HSO) is available to assist you in obtaining suitable housing for you and your family. They provide a wide range of services to include in-depth briefings on renting in the community, scheduling appointments to view rentals, and lease review. The HSO is available at MCB Hawaii Mon and Fri 0730-1530 and Wed 0730-1400.

For more information, contact the HSO office at: 808-438-3820.

Rental Links

Automated Housing Referral Network
Star Advertiser Rentals

US Army Hawaii is the DOD Executive Agent for Off-Base Housing Services in Hawaii. Information on BAH rates, average rental and utility costs, and the DOD referral info are provided from the Army's website.

For info on BAH rates:

For info on rental and utility costs:

Living Off-Base

Once a lease is signed it is the responsibility of the service member to provide a copy of the lease to Forest City and fill out a waitlist statement. An offer of quarters will be made in accordance with your desire as indicated on the waiting list statement. You may change your waiting list statement at anytime.

The Military Clause allows you to terminate the rental agreement upon giving your landlord written notice 28 days in advance of the anticipated termination when in receipt of military orders requiring a change of residence to a location off the island for 60 days or more (copy of orders must be provided to the landlord).

A Government Housing Clause is negotiable between you and your landlord. It allows you to terminate your lease when offered base housing. We recommend this clause be in writing.

A Security Deposit Utility Waiver form is available at your CONAD, unit admin section or from the Housing Services Office.

In the event a service member has a lease and does not want to be considered for housing on base during the duration of the lease, he/she will not be contacted unless housing is available one month prior to the lease expiration date. Service members are responsible for providing Forest City with any and all changes, in writing, to their original lease agreement. Accordingly, personnel with lease agreements will be by passed without penalty and still may work their way up to the top of their respective waiting list.

Lease agreements will only be honored for one year for housing waiting list purposes. Service members must provide a copy of the updated lease agreement and waiting list statement as notification to Forest City that they desire to remain on the waiting list for housing. Failure to provide Forest City with current lease(s) and waiting list statement will result in your name being deleted from the waiting list.