Fiscal Year 2010 Program Funding

Status of Appropriations

Click any bill number below to retrieve detailed information from the Library of Congress or the Government Printing Office.

Program Dept/Agency Bill Request House
GPS DoD/USAF H.R. 3326 $927.8M $830.4M
($97.4M below request)
($97.4M below request)
($97.4M below request)
($97.4M below request)
($97.4M below request)
(P.L. 111-118)
GPS - Civil Funding DOT/FAA H.R. 3288 $43.4M $43.4M $43.4M $43.4M $43.4M $43.4M Signed
(P.L. 111-117)
WAAS DOT/FAA H.R. 3288 $97.4M $92.6M
($4.8M below request)
($4.8M below request)
($6.4M below request)
($6.4M below request)
($6.4M below request)
(P.L. 111-117)
GBAS DOT/FAA H.R. 3288 $7M $7M $7M $7M $7M $7M Signed
(P.L. 111-117)
NDGPS - Inland DOT/RITA H.R. 3288 $4.6M $4.6M $4.6M $4.6M $4.6M $4.6M Signed
(P.L. 111-117)
NDGPS - Maritime DHS/USCG H.R. 2892
S. 1298
$9.4M Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Signed
(P.L. 111-83)
CORS DOC/NOAA H.R. 2847 $3.4M Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed as part of H.R. 3288 Signed
(P.L. 111-117)

The President signed the defense appropriations act on December 19, 2009. It cut the Next-Generation Operational Control Segment (OCX) by $97.4 million compared to the President's request.

The House had proposed eliminating the High Integrity Global Positioning System (HIGPS), a demonstration of the capability to use Iridium satellites to enhance current GPS navigation and timing capabilities. At the Senate's insistence, the final defense act fully funded the project at $59.1 million.

Section 8071 of the final defense act states, "Funds available to the Department of Defense for the Global Positioning System during the current fiscal year may be used to fund civil requirements associated with the satellite and ground control segments of such system's modernization program."

Defense Authorization

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 set DoD spending levels for GPS but did not actually appropriate funds from the Treasury. President Obama signed the bill into law on October 28, 2009.

The act cut the budget for GPS III/OCX by $97.4 million, consistent with the action of the appropriators. The act also recommended no funding for the High-Integrity Global Positioning System (HIGPS), versus the request of $59.1 million. However, as noted above, Congress did fund HIGPS in the defense appropriations act.

Section 1032 of the act shifted responsibility for the biennial GPS report from the Secretary of Defense to the co-chairs of the National Executive Committee for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing.

