Business handshake U.S. and UK Reach Understanding on GPS Patents

The United States and United Kingdom successfully reached an understanding on intellectual property rights that will ensure GPS civil signals remain free and openly available for users worldwide.

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Multilingual Content

To improve global understanding about GPS, we are pleased to offer key portions of this website in multiple languages. Please note that some pages link back to English content.

International GPS User Support

NAVCEN logo The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) is the designated point of contact within the U.S. government for GPS user support to civilians outside the United States, including international civil aviation users.

Through their website and email list, NAVCEN disseminates information to the public about GPS operations, including constellation status, service degradations and outages, and known interference events.

View GPS Status & Outage Information at NAVCEN...
Sign up for GPS email notices at NAVCEN...

If you are a civilian user experiencing problems with the GPS satellite service, such as outages or interference, please report the issue to NAVCEN.

Report a GPS problem to NAVCEN...

NAVCEN also administers the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) on behalf of the Department of Transportation. CGSIC includes an International Information Subcommittee that convenes regularly at locations throughout the world.

Learn more about CGSIC...