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DOT logo NAVCEN logo Civil Global Positioning System (GPS) Service Interface Committee Charter

1. Introduction

The Civil Global Positioning System (GPS) Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) is established by the U.S. Department of Transportation as a function of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy's (OST/P) outreach program to the civil GPS user community.

2. Objectives

3. Committee Composition

The CGSIC is comprised of representatives from relevant private, government, and industry user groups, both U.S.and international. The Committee structure consists of a chair, two deputy chairs, an Executive Secretariat, and an Executive Panel. The Committee is chaired by the Director, Radionavigation and Positioning in OST/P. The first Deputy Chair is Commanding Officer,the U.S.Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN). The Commanding Officer of NAVCEN is supported by an Executive Secretariat and manages the Committee, maintains membership roles, coordinates Committee meetings, represents the Committee Chair at GPS related meetings, and coordinates responses to submitted issues. The second Deputy Chair is the Deputy Chair for International Affairs and is a non-U.S. representative appointed by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Panel. The Executive Panel consists of the Chair, Deputy Chairs, Subcommittee chairs, a representative from the GIAC, and representatives from three modal areas:

4. Subcommittees

The CGSIC may create standing subcommittees, ad hoc subcommittees, or special working groups to work specific areas of civil GPS user needs and facilitate technical information exchange. Standing subcommittees have been established for the:

Standing committee chairs will be elected by the subcommittee members for a two-year term. Elections will be held in conjunction with a general meeting.

5. Administrative Guidelines

The administrative guidelines for the CGSIC are:
