Hazardous Materials Incident Management (N0814)

Training Specialist

Wayne Yoder

View Schedule Below

Curriculum: Hazardous Materials

This 6-day program focuses on the duties and responsibilities of the emergency response personnel who will assume the Incident Command role in hazardous materials emergencies above the initial response. Based on the current requirements of Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.120 (29 CFR 1910) and the applicable national standards, the program follows 3 phases of an incident: preplanning, incident operations, and post-incident responsibilities.Topics include negligence and liability, planning, Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center (EOC) interface, training requirements, and emergency response plans. Evaluation of the student's knowledge of the subject is attained through written tests and graded scenarios. Evening classes and projects are required.

Selection Criteria * Emergency response personnel above the initial response level who may be called upon to assume the duties of the Incident Commander at hazardous materials incidents as described in 29 CFR 1910.* Safety officers as described in 29 CFR 1910.** Departmental training officers.** Emergency management personnel who would interface with emergency response personnel through EOC operations at a hazardous materials incident.*While safety officers and training officers meet the acceptable criteria for this program, the program is not designed for technician-level personnel.
Delivery Type 6-Day Off-Campus
Prerequisites * Applicants must be certified by their departments as operations-level personnel acting at the Incident Command level as per 29 CFR 1910 (stated above). Emergency management personnel must be certified by their jurisdiction as part of the EOC staff.* It is suggested that applicants be familiar with the NFA courses, Initial Response to Hazardous Materials Incidents: Basic Concepts and Initial Response to Hazardous Materials Incidents: Concept Implementation.
ACE Recommendation In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Public Safety, Fire Administration, or Public Administration.
CEU's 3.6
Post-Course Requirements None.
Student Pre-Course Materials None.
NFPA Standards None.
Student Comments Good background material especially the review of 1910-120 and other regulations governing haz mat ... It taught me a better understanding of an ICS on a much larger scale ... Clarifies how SARA III/LEPC relate to the fire department and importance of reviewing LEPC plan.

Course Schedule Information

Dates Availability Location Contact(s)
Apply Apply » March 4 - 9, 2013 Cheektowga, New York

Andrew Dickinson
Bureau Chief
NYS Office of Fire Prev and Control
(518) 474-6746

James LaMacchia
Chief of Training
Buffalo Fire Dept
(716) 681-1011

Course Coordination Plan
Apply Apply » May 13 - 18, 2013 Forsyth, Georgia

Phillip Russell
Training Manager
South Carolina Fire Academy
(803) 896-9893

Steve Sloan
Assistant Director
NC Fire Marshal's Office
(336) 813-0088

Rodney Pickle
Georgia State Fire Academy
(478) 993-4392

Course Coordination Plan