Marketing Fire Prevention in Your Community Train-the-Trainer (F0283)

Training Specialist

Mary Marchone

View Schedule Below

Curriculum: Fire Prevention: Management

(3rd in a series of Small Community Fire Prevention courses.)In this 2-day course students begin developing a marketing plan for fire prevention using resources from the first two courses and those already in place in their communities. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to continue developing, refining, and applying a marketing plan that will outline target hazard risk, identify significant opponents, and present allies who may be available within their community.

Selection Criteria Those who seek to learn new approaches to deal more easily with their community's fire and injury challenges, including departmental "leaders," both today's and tomorrow's, operational and administrative, in the Nation's smaller departments.Open to all interested emergency services personnel, including volunteer, career, and allied professions, the class is intended primarily for those who are serving or who have served previously in operations (suppression, EMS, etc.), and who seek to learn about more effective ways of combating the fire problem. Personnel with little or no prevention orientation will benefit significantly.No prerequisites required; however, experience with marketing in the work environment, volunteer opportunities, or training/college courses is suitable and will enhance the training experience. Additionally, those who follow Ben May or use USFA's Marketing Manual or Public Information Education Relations (PIER) manual will find this course valuable.
Delivery Type 2-Day Off-Campus
ACE Recommendation
CEU's 1.6
Post-Course Requirements
Student Pre-Course Materials None.
NFPA Standards None.
Student Comments

Course Schedule Information

Dates Availability Location Contact(s)
March 27 - 28, 2013 Ocala, Florida

Patrick J. Giacobbe
State NFA Coordinator
Division of the State Fire Marshal
(352) 369-2809

Susan Schell
State Training Director
Division of the State Fire Marshal
(352) 369-2822

Course Coordination Plan