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Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Legislative Affairs

Resource Center

Legislative Affairs

TSA’s Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA) is the primary point for contact for Congress. OLA fields congressional inquiries, prepares witnesses to provide testimony at hearings, sets up briefings with Members of Congress and committees, identifies key areas of Member concern and coordinates meetings with Members and congressional staff. Organizationally, the office is a subcomponent of the DHS Office of Legislative Affairs. Within TSA, OLA reports directly to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator.

Mission Statement

To develop and implement strategies within the agency to achieve congressional approval or authorization of the agency’s programs and policies, furthering the agency’s mission of protecting the nation’s transportation network. Acts as the principal liaison between the agency and Congress, with the primary responsibility of providing timely, accurate information about the agency, its programs, and its policies. Through professionalism and customer service, OLA seeks to cultivate relationships thereby developing trust, confidence, and friendship with our colleagues in Congress, enabling the free flow of information between the two bodies.

Useful Information and High Level Links

As a way to provide a quick reference to information on TSA's web site and useful legislative related content, below is a growing list.

Latest revision: 30 January 2013