Program Funding

Who Pays for GPS?

U.S. Capitol building The American taxpayer pays for the GPS service enjoyed throughout the world. All GPS program funding comes from general U.S. tax revenues.

The bulk of the program is budgeted through the Department of Defense, which has primary responsibility for developing, acquiring, operating, sustaining, and modernizing GPS.
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Civil GPS Funding

U.S. policy assigns the Department of Transportation responsibility for funding the extra costs associated with new, civilian GPS upgrades beyond the second and third civil signals. Agencies with unique requirements for GPS are responsible for funding them.
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How Much Does the U.S. Government Spend on the GPS Program?

The total budget for the core GPS program in Fiscal Year 2012 (ending September 30, 2012), including both military and civil funding, is over $1.5 billion.
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The President requested approximately $1.3 billion for the GPS program in FY 2013.
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Augmentation Systems

Beyond the core GPS program, several federal agencies fund and manage augmentation systems that improve GPS performance in support of their particular needs.
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Budget details for federal augmentations are available via the links on the right.

Has the U.S. Government Thought About Privatizing GPS?

There are no plans to privatize GPS. U.S. law and policy require the civil GPS service to be provided free of direct user fees.
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