Office of Science


Science Themes

EMSL's Science Themes help define and direct the development of key capabilities and a portfolio of user projects to accelerate scientific innovation and discovery in the areas of environmental molecular science most critical to DOE and the nation. Although each Science Theme focuses a field of science, the themes share significant overlap and linked areas of common interest. Thus, the scope of a research project in EMSL may impact all three Science Themes. Additionally, the ability to combine multiple types of experimentation with EMSL's high end computing resources provides users with unique opportunities to address research challenges within, among and beyond these science themes. Science Theme proposals are solicited annually during EMSL's Call for Proposals, which each year focuses on a unique set of specific topics for the three Science Themes.

Biological Interactions and Dynamics

Developing a quantitative, systems-level understanding of the dynamic network of proteins and molecules that drive cell responses and how groups of different cells interact to give rise to functional cell communities.

Geochemistry/Biogeochemistry and Subsurface Science

Studying reaction mechanisms at the mineral-water, microbe-mineral, and fluid-fluid interfaces at the molecular scale and understanding the effect of these mechanisms on the fate and transport of contaminants.

Science of Interfacial Phenomena

Developing an understanding and gaining control of atomic- and molecular-level structure-function relationships at interfaces that enable the optimization of interfacial properties, such as the control of catalytic activity and selectivity.

Grand Challenges

Scientific Grand Challenges differ from typical proposals because they involve the collaboration of researchers from multiple institutions, including universities, national laboratories, and industry, worldwide. Results from current Scientific Grand Challenges could give insight into how to use microbes and biological processes to address currently intractable issues in environmental remediation and energy.

EMSL Scientific Grand Challenge: Biogeochemistry

Studying how organisms exchange energy and electron flux with mineral matter in soils, sediments, and subsurface materials.

EMSL Scientific Grand Challenge: Membrane Biology

Using a systems approach to understand the network of genes and proteins that govern the structure and function of membranes and their components responsible for photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation in cyanobacteria.