9.9 Zeros9.11 Products

§9.10 Integrals


§9.10(i) Indefinite Integrals

§9.10(ii) Asymptotic Approximations

See also Muldoon (1970).

§9.10(iii) Other Indefinite Integrals

Let w(z) be any solution of Airy’s equation (9.2.1). Then

9.10.10\int z^{{n+3}}w(z)dz=z^{{n+2}}w^{{\prime}}(z)-(n+2)z^{{n+1}}w(z)+(n+1)(n+2)\int z^{n}w(z)dz,n=0,1,2,\ldots.

See also §9.11(iv).

§9.10(iv) Definite Integrals

\int _{0}^{\infty}\mathop{\mathrm{Ai}\/}\nolimits\!\left(t\right)dt=\tfrac{1}{3},
\int _{{-\infty}}^{0}\mathop{\mathrm{Ai}\/}\nolimits\!\left(t\right)dt=\tfrac{2}{3},
9.10.12\int _{{-\infty}}^{0}\mathop{\mathrm{Bi}\/}\nolimits\!\left(t\right)dt=0.

§9.10(v) Laplace Transforms

For Laplace transforms of products of Airy functions see Shawagfeh (1992).

§9.10(vi) Mellin Transform

§9.10(vii) Stieltjes Transforms

§9.10(viii) Repeated Integrals

§9.10(ix) Compendia

For further integrals, including the Airy transform, see §9.11(iv), Widder (1979), Prudnikov et al. (1990, §1.8.1), Prudnikov et al. (1992a, pp. 405–413), Prudnikov et al. (1992b, §4.3.25), Vallée and Soares (2010, Chapters 3, 4).