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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Maternal and Child Health

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Home Visiting Grants & Grantees

The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program (MIECHV) is authorized and funded for 5 years at $1.5 billion. The investment supports improvements in health and development outcomes for at-risk children through evidence-based home visiting programs. 

MIECHV is a partnership among the Federal government, States, local communities. Three percent of the funding each year is set aside for Tribal grantees and three percent is set aside each year for research and evaluation activities.  Funding is appropriated as follows:   

  • FY 2010, $100 million
  • FY 2011, $250 million
  • FY 2012, $350 million
  • FY 2013, $400 million 
  • FY 2014, $400 million

Grants are subject to the condition that the State or territory assigns service priority to families residing in at-risk communities as identified by the statewide needs assessment. The grants program is administered by HRSA in collaboration with the Administration for Children and Families.


The MIECHV Research Program supports applied research relating to evidence-based home visiting programs and strategies that have the potential to improve the health, development, and well-being of mothers, young children, and their families. The Research Program supports applied research relating to maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting services which show promise of advancing knowledge about the implementation and effectiveness of home visiting programs designed to improve life outcomes among mothers, infants, and young children.

Findings from the research supported by the MIECHV Research Program are expected to have potential for application in improving home visiting services for mothers and children. 

The Home Visiting Research program in 2012 will make as many as three awards of a maximum of $300,000 per year for 3 years to fund

MIECHV Grants and Grantees

FY 2012 Awards

In April 2012, HRSA awarded $71.9 million to 10 states to expand their home visiting services.  The awards were given to states that have demonstrated successful operations of early childhood systems for pregnant women, parents, caregivers, and children from birth-to-eight years of age and are ready to expand home visiting services.

By the end of the 2012 fiscal year, HRSA will be awarding four to six more grants to states to support the development of their home visiting programs. Similarly, by the end of fiscal year 2012, HRSA will award $125 million by formula to the 54 eligible states and territories.

HRSA will also award $300,000 annually for up to three years to establish a cooperative agreement for the MIECHV  Research Network. The cooperative agreement will support the creation of an interdisciplinary, multicenter research forum for scientific collaboration and infrastructure building related to home visiting research that is designed to improve life outcomes among mothers, infants, and young children.  The work of this network will complement the ongoing research and evaluation activities occurring both within the MIECHV program and in the research field broadly. See HRSA-12-158 Funding Opportunity Announcement

Also, HRSA will award up to $600,000 to support about two (2) extramural multi-year research projects that supports applied research relating to maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting services which show promise of advancing knowledge about the implementation and effectiveness of home visiting programs designed to improve life outcomes among mothers, infants, and young children.  See HRSA-12-159 Funding Opportunity Announcement.

FY 2011 Awards

In September 2011, HRSA awarded a total of $224 million to states and territories; $124 million by formula and $100 million by competition to those States that have sufficiently demonstrated the interest and capacity to expand and/or to enhance the development of their home visiting efforts. Competitive funding was awarded through Expansion grants ($66 million) to nine states and Development grants ($34 million) to 13 states. See HRSA-11-179 Funding Opportunity Announcement.

FY 2010 Awards

In 2010, $91 million was awarded by formula to states to begin to plan for implementation of home visiting.  States identified their at-risk communities and determined which of these at-risk communities would receive home visiting services.  Also, states began the arduous process of developing their measures and data collection systems for demonstrating improvements in the six benchmark areas. See HRSA-10-275 Funding Opportunity Announcement

The grant was awarded on a formula basis to each of the eligible entities (the states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands).  Of these funds, $500,000 was unrestricted and could be used by states to support completion of their needs assessments and for planning. The remainder of the states’ allocations was awarded when their Updated State Plans were approved in August 2011.

As a second step in the FY 2010 MIECHV grant application process, HRSA issued a Supplemental Information Request (SIR) (PDF - 113 KB) on August 19, 2010 to state grantees providing guidance for completing and submitting their required statewide needs assessment. The SIR included specific instructions on the types of data and other information states were required to report by law. Each state submitted and received approval for a statewide needs assessment that identified communities at risk and existing resources.