NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

HPC Requirements Reviews

In support of its mission and to maintain its reputation as one of the best run scientific computing centers in the world, NERSC continually gathers requirements from its user community, the DOE Office of Science program offices, and from other key HPC or domain experts. These requirements are collected via a series of NERSC Program Requirements Reviews with each of the six DOE Office of Science program offices.

The first set of reviews ran from May 2009 through May 2011 and resulted in the publication of six reports detailing the needs of the DOE program offices through 2014.  The second set of reviews begins in September 2012  and targets technical program needs through 2017.


Large Scale Production Computing and Storage Requirements for High Energy Physics: Target 2017

This DOE program review will be held November 27-28, 2012. Focus is on theoretical and experimental research at three interrelated frontiers of particle physics: Energy, Intensity, and Cosmic. Read More »


Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Biological and Environmental Research: Target 2017

This program requirements review will be held September 11-12, 2012. The Focus is on climate science, biological sciences, and environmental sciences. Read More » Read More »


NERSC Requirements for Science: Target 2014

NERSC and the Office of Advanced Computational Research held six program requirements reviews with each DOE Office of Science program office from 2009 to 2011 to determine what scientists and their teams need in to meet DOE mission requirements in 2014. The result of these reviews are the six reports below, which contain requirements for each office, supported by 8-12 individual science case studies. Summary of High Level Findings Here is summary of aggregate findings for the six program… Read More »

NERSC HPC Program Requirements Reviews Overview

These workshops are focused on determining the computational challenges facing research teams and the computational resources scientists will need to meet their research objectives. Read More »

NERSC HPC Requirements Published Reports

Final reports from the workshops. Read More »

Case Study FAQ

Questions about the workshops and case studies. Read More »