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  • Training Opportunity for Supervisors

    In this age of shrinking budgets, training for supervisors is more important than ever, and harder to come by. NIC and the Central Region of our Regional Training Iniatiative are pleased to announce "Unleash Your Leadership Competency Potential for Supervisors." This course will help supervisors...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by michaelguevara on Wed, Aug 4 2010
  • Training Evaluation & ROI---Need your opinion

    Hi, I'm working on a project that involves evalauting training. I'm interested in your responses to: What types of evaluation do you do? Is any of it designed to directly measure the impact on the job (once they get back)? Are you doing any ROI (return on investment) analysis? What are you doing...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by Joe Brodnicki on Wed, Jan 2 2008
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