Highway Safety Manual

Cover: Highway Safety Manual

A new generation of highway safety analysis tools is being deployed to the transportation community through several innovative research efforts. The Highway Safety Manual (HSM), which will be published as an American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) document, and supporting implementation tools including Safety Analyst, Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM), and the Crash Modification Factors (CMF) Clearinghouse were developed by cooperative research initiated by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). These tools will greatly advance state and local highway agencies’ ability to incorporate explicit, quantitative consideration of safety into their planning and project development decision making.

The first edition of the HSM provides the best factual information and tools in a useful form to facilitate roadway planning, design, operations, and maintenance decisions based on precise consideration of their safety consequences. The primary focus of the HSM is the introduction and development of analytical tools for predicting the impact of transportation project and program decisions on road safety.


Program Contact

Esther Strawder



New Safety Compass Newsletter - Winter 2012 (Vol 6, Issue 3)

New Guidance memorandum on the Roadside Design Guide - 4th Edition

Bicycle Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt Lists

RSA Newsletter - Spring 2012

Web-based HSIP Courses
Five new web-based courses related to the HSIP are available from the National Highway Institute

Pedestrian Forum - Spring 2012

Proven Safety Countermeasures

HSM Managers Guide

Integrating Road Safety into NEPA Analysis: A Primer for Safety and Environmental Professionals:
    • Brochure
    • Report

Procedures for Setting Advisory Speeds on Curves

HSM Training Guide

FHWA is introducing the HSM case study series that highlights noteworthy implementation of HSM methodology.

Guidance Memorandum on Fundamental Roadway and Traffic Data Elements to Improve the Highway Safety Improvement Program

Background Report: Guidance for Roadway Safety Data to Support the Highway Safety Improvement Program

Market Analysis of Collecting Fundamental Roadway Data Elements to Support the Highway Safety Improvement Program

MIRE Report, Ver. 1.0

2010 Transparency Reports (5 Percent)

Pedestrian Safety Strategic Plan

Safety Edge Toolkit

FHWA Nine Proven Crash Countermeasures - Addressing Critical Safety Concerns

SHSP Implementation Process Model Interactive CD

P2P - Integrating Local Planning Organizations into a State HSIP

Press Releases

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces Lowest Traffic Fatalities in Six Decades more...

Read more FHWA press releases