Updated 12/04/2012 12:00 PM   |   ID# 317

Working and receiving Social Security disability benefits

Can I work without losing my Social Security disability benefits?

Special rules allow you to work temporarily without losing your monthly Social Security disability benefits.  For example, our trial work period allows you to test your ability to work for at least nine months without losing benefits.  As long as you remain disabled, you can get full Social Security disability benefits during those nine monthly no matter how much you earn.  

After your nine-month trial work period, we still provide a safety net that allows you to work another three years risk free.  During those three years, you can work and still receive benefits for any month in which your earnings do not exceed these limits:

  • $1,690 for blind individuals; or
  • $1,010 a month if you are not blind.


More Information
Working While Disabled - How We Can Help

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