Thanksgiving in Kabul

Ambassador James Cunningham and Public Affairs Counselor Jean Manes serve Thanksgiving dinner to staff at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, November 22, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

About the Author: Janet Heg serves in the Cultural Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Just like any other American family, our pre-Thanksgiving discussions involved the question: “Your family or mine?” Yet the question was not whether we would go to his parents or my parents, but whether we would share the holiday with his office family (the Pol-Mil section) or mine (Public Affairs). In true State Department fashion, we reached a compromise and brought both sections together to create a memorable Thanksgiving celebration in Kabul.

At other overseas posts, my husband and I have delighted in sharing the Thanksgiving tradition with non-American expatriates and host country nationals. In Kabul, by contrast, everyone was able to indulge on the “giving” part of the day by preparing something for the meal.

Creating a family atmosphere at Thanksgiving is particularly important at an unaccompanied post, where so many people are living on their own… more »

Photo of the Week: The Spirit of Thanksgiving

U.S. Ambassador Kristie Kenney and Thai-American celebrity chef Tommy Tang serve a Thanksgiving feast to the children at the Duang Pratheep Foundation in Bangkok, Thailand on November 21, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

About the Author: Hannah Johnson serves as an Assistant Editor for DipNote.

This week’s “Photo of the Week” comes to us from the U.S. Embassy in Thailand, and shows U.S. Ambassador Kristie Kenney serving a Thanksgiving feast to children at the Duang Pratheep Foundation in Bangkok.

This type of outreach exemplifies the spirit that President Barack Obama described during his Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, in which he said, “As we reflect on our proud heritage, let us also give thanks to those who honor it by giving back. This Thanksgiving, thousands of our men and women in uniform will sit down for a meal far from their loved ones and the comforts of home. We honor their service and sacrifice. We also show our appreciation to Americans who are serving in their communities, ensuring their neighbors have… more »

A Taste of Thanksgiving

Ambassador Capricia Penavic Marshall delivers remarks during a Thanksgiving event for the diplomatic community at the Blair House in Washington, D.C., November 15, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

About the Author: Ambassador Capricia Penavic Marshall serves as the Chief of Protocol.

At the Department of State, we believe that fostering greater cross-cultural exchange and mutual understanding between our nation and others around the world is a critical part of our mission. 21st Century Statecraft requires us to use every diplomatic tool at our disposal to advance the United States’ global interests. Harnessing the unique power of food to unite and bring people together is a part of this approach. Last week, the Department organized two events designed to promote cultural exchange and help tell the story of America by sharing our time-honored Thanksgiving culinary traditions with the world.

On November 13, the Bureau of International Information Programs hosted “Live!… more »