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Contact Information

AGU Meetings Department
2000 Florida Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20009 USA
Phone: +1 202 462 6900
N. America: (800) 966-2481
Fax: +1 202-777-7385

Staff Contacts

Joanna Ward
Meetings Manager
+1 202-777-7336

Melissa Markowitz
Meetings Coordinator
+1 202-777-7332

For exhibit inquiries:
E-mail: exhibits@agu.org

2010 AGU Fall Meeting

13–17 December
Moscone Convention Center
Howard Street, Between Third & Fifth Sts.
San Francisco, California, USA

Thanks for another successful AGU Fall Meeting!

More than 18,400 geophysicists from around the world gathered in San Francisco for the 2010 AGU Fall Meeting. The meeting provided an opportunity for researchers, teachers, students, and consultants to present and review the latest issues affecting the Earth, the planets, and their environments in space.

As of 12 December 2010 5,852 oral talks and 11,517 posters were scheduled for presentation throughout the week.

Lecture Videos

A selection of lectures are now available for viewing on web video.