Welcome to Army Medical Department Center and School (AMEDDC&S)  
Stimson Library

About Stimson Library

Library Hours

Monday - Thursday 0700 - 2130
Friday 0700 - 1830
Saturday 0900 - 1700
Sunday 1300 - 1700
Training Holidays & Holidays Closed

Visit Us

Stimson Library serves as the academic library supporting the US Army Medical Department Center and School through its print and electronic collection providing access to its patrons locally and wordwide.  The collection emphasizes military, management, medical, nursing, and allied health sciences and supports graduate programs, undergraduate training and medical research.


We provide information resources, services and access in support of the educational, training and research needs of the US Army Medical Department Center and School.  We support the medical activities at Fort Sam Houston, Texas and serve as an information resource for the US Army Medical Department worldwide.


To be the center of academic excellence leveraging the best technologies to provide and sustain resources, services and access in support of the educational, training and research needs of the US Army Medical School and Center.


  • DOD personnel assigned to the US Army Medical Department and School
  • DOD personnel enrolled in distributed learning programs supported by the US Army Medical Department and School
  • DOD personnel assigned to Headquarters US Army Medical Command, the Medical Education and Training Campus, and medical activities at Fort Sam Houston
  • DOD personnel assigned to Fort Sam Houston


Stimson Library provides a full range of information products

  • 59,000 volumes in print
  • 16,000 electronic journals
  • 7,000 electronic books
  • Subscribes to over 33 electronic databases
  • A digital archive of Army medicine, including: 
    • Army Medical Bulletin, 1922-1949
    • Dental Bulletin, 1933-1943
    • Health Care Studies and Technical Reports
    • Medical Bulletin, 1943-1989
    • Samuel Taylor Darling Memorial Library Archives
    • US Army-Baylor Graduate Program in Health Care Administration Research Reports
    • US Army Medical Department Journal, 1989-present
    • USARV (US Army Vietnam) Medical Bulletin, 1966-1971


    • Computers
    • Reference
    • Study Rooms
    • Writing Support Services
      To request writing support services, email your request to: stimson.library@amedd.army.mil
      Use the subject line "writing support request".  Please attach your draft paper and a copy of the assignment, if available.  A librarian will contact you by the next business day.  Please allow at least 48 hours for review and follow up.
    • Request an Interlibrary Loan
      To request an interlibrary loan, first look up the citation in the Citation Linker Form External Link.  If the full-text is not available, use the "E-mail" link  and email the imbedded citation to stimson.library@amedd.army.mil

    Contact Us

          Stimson Library
          3630 Stanley Road
          Bldg 2840, Ste 106
          Fort Sam Houston, TX  78234-6100

          Phone:  (210) 221-6900  DSN 471
          Fax:  (210) 221-8562
          Email address: Stimson.Library@amedd.army.mil



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This Web site provides an introduction to the U.S. Army Medical Department's headquarters organizations, which are the Office of the Army Surgeon General and U.S. Army Medical Command headquarters. It is intended for interested members of the public, news media and Army Medical Department beneficiaries.
Contact Us | AKO | U.S. Army | Fort Sam Houston | Developed/Supported by: AMEDDC&S G-6
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