Welcome to Army Medical Department Center and School (AMEDDC&S)  


About the US Army Medical Department Center and School (AMEDDC&S)
The AMEDDC&S is located at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The Center is where the Army Medical Department formulates its medical organization, tactics, doctrine, and equipment. The School is where the Army educates and trains all of its medical personnel.   Together, the Center and School fulfills it`s mission and vision.

Mission  We envision, design and train a premier military medical force for decisive action in support of our Nation.

Envision means looking at what the Army`s medical force should look like and what it should be able to accomplish given the missions it can be expected to receive.

Design means building the tactical medical units, approving their equipment sets and developing the medical doctrine needed to provide quality healthcare in the field: whether the battlefield or the humanitarian assistance field.

Train means providing the education and training to develop military and civilian students into proficient and ready members of the military healthcare team.

Vision  To be the foundation on which the AMEDD is built, sustained and transformed. 
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Product and Services
Through state-of-the-art, hands-on, scenario-driven training based on lessons learned from today`s battlefields and clinical settings, we create an environment in which students can develop the educational and training capabilities they will need in order to provide the best casualty and patient care possible.

The AMEDDC&S professional staff development and career life-cycle management assures us that our students will continue to receive the benefits of the best education and training opportunities available from some of the world`s most capable and innovative instructors, training developers, and staff members.

Our Customers

Army medical and non-medical personnel

Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard medical personnel

Military leaders, political representatives and other decision-makers

DOD Personnel (military and civilian)

General public

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There are five major organizations that comprise the AMEDDC&S:

The Academy of Health Sciences (AHS) is our "school." It is a very large and very complex schoolhouse that is part vocational institution, part community college and part major university. The Academy of Health Sciences conducts 315 courses of which 41 will be taught in the Medical Education Training Campus (METC). The AMEDDC&S is accredited by the Council of Occupational Education, and all programs of instruction are reviewed by the American Council on Education. Students attending courses at the AMEDDC&S can get undergraduate and graduate college credits. The Academy of Health Sciences Graduate School also conducts seven doctoral and five masters degree programs.

The 32d Medical Brigade is the home of all the Army personnel assigned to the AMEDDC&S.  During the year the brigade is home to more than 20,000 students attending medical education and training.

The Medical Capabilities Integration Center (MCIC) is the "center" of the AMEDDC&S. The MCIC envisions and designs the organizations, tactics, doctrine and equipment that will be found on the medical portion of the battlefield.

The Noncommissioned Officers Academy (NCOA) is our center for NCO professional military leadership education. The Academy teaches courses at both the entry and advanced levels.

The AMEDD Personnel Proponent Directorate (APPD) does the force modeling. The Army Medical Department has over 130,000 military and civilian members who work in 200 different officer, warrant officer, enlisted, and civilian specialties.  This directorate ensures that the Army`s medical force is properly structured to accomplish the AMEDD`s many missions.

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The AMEDDC&S traces its lineage to the Medical Field Service School (MFSS) established in 1920 at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. The mission of the MFSS was to train doctors, dentists and nurses in their duties as Army officers.

In 1924, the MFSS conducted the first professional courses for noncommissioned officers and privates first class.

The MFSS moved to Fort Sam Houston in 1946 and was located in the 9th Infantry Regiment quadrangle.

In 1972 a reorganization of the MFSS resulted in the re-designation of the MFSS as the Academy of Health Sciences, and consolidated the Army`s medical training, making it one of the largest medical training institutions in the world. 

In 1991, it was re-designated as the Army Medical Department Center and School, with the Academy of Health Sciences becoming the school arm of the AMEDDC&S. 

Contact Us:
(210) 221-8915 | DSN 471-8915
Fax: (210) 221-8744 
3630 Stanley Road # 301
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234

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This Web site provides an introduction to the U.S. Army Medical Department's headquarters organizations, which are the Office of the Army Surgeon General and U.S. Army Medical Command headquarters. It is intended for interested members of the public, news media and Army Medical Department beneficiaries.
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