Environmental Services

The Environmental Management Division (EMD) focuses on four major areas: compliance, restoration, prevention, and conservation. The EMD provides the means necessary to meet the mission while protecting the environment utilizing an integrated environmental and training platform. Protection and preservation of the environment will help Fort Lee to remain a major Army asset with the flexibility to meet future mission needs.

Fort Lee EMD provides access to Environmental Management System (EMS) policies, procedures, and related environmental documentation that apply to the operations of the installation. They assist in supporting and communicating EMS initiatives and the Policy 07-05 Mission Integrated/Environmental Management System (MI/EMS) Policy throughout the installation.

EMD satisfies the requirements of the International Standards Organization (ISO) 14001 Environmental Management Standard and Army EMS requirements always assuring that Fort Lee maintains a high state of environmental readiness.

The Environmental Management Division ensures Compliance with environmental laws and special conditions, promotes Pollution Prevention, and protects the priceless Natural Resources and Cultural Resources on Fort Lee. By "Protecting the Land We Defend," the EMD supports the Army's long-range vision and current goals for Sustainability. Army Green is Army Strong!

Protecting The Land We Defend

Nearly all actions have impacts when referencing the Army, the Environmental Branch’s job is to supply best advice and guidance to Army Decision makers, additional duties include: creating programs and offering solutions to minimize impacts of training and mission.

The new Army Strategy for the Environment: Sustain the Mission – Secure the Future establishes a long-range vision that enables the Army to meet its mission today and into the future. Sustainability is the foundation for this Strategy and a paradigm that focuses our thinking to address both present and future needs while strengthening community partnerships that improve our ability to organize, equip, train, and deploy our Soldiers as part of the joint force.
For more information visit http://www.sustainability.army.mil

Title Date Details Location
Fort Lee Recycles   Recycle your printer cartridges at the Unit Supply Store Bldg 7121 Unit Supply Store Bldg 7121
Virginia Archaeology Month Open House Friday, October 14, 0900-1500 The Petersburg National Battlefield Historian will be here to display some of the park's most interesting artifacts – most of which are not typically on public display Curation Facility (Building 5222)
Operation Capture History Saturday, October 22, 0900-1500 Scanning public historic documents Quartermaster & Women's Museum
Earth Day 2012 Thursday, April 26, 2012   Fort Lee Field House & Track

Environmental Management Division SharePoint Site
Directorate of Public Works – Environmental Management Internal Site

Environmental Training
Once logged in, look for "EMD Training" Module.
Directorate of Public Works – Environmental Management Internal Site

Environmental Management Division Branches

Mission Integration / Environmental Management System (MI/EMS)

EMS Management Coordinator responsible for all aspects of the Environmental Management System (EMS) working with the Environmental Quality Planner to ensure that the EMS Manual is maintained, while supporting and communicating EMS initiatives and the Environmental Policy Statement throughout the installation, promote sustainability principles through the EMS, demonstrate implementation of organizational EMS systems and satisfy the requirements of the Executive Order 13423 in combination with the International Standard (ISO) 14001 environmental management standard adopted by the Army to assist with EMS requirements.

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Pollution Prevention (P2)

Pollution prevention (P2) is a comprehensive initiative to reduce and prevent pollution at the source. It focuses on conservation of resources, replacement of hazardous materials with less hazardous materials, waste reduction, recycling, and other preventive means to successfully and cost effectively avoid, prevent, or reduce the generation of pollutants. The P2 program has three major impacts on Fort Lee. First, it helps reduce our environmental compliance burden by minimizing the applicability of requirements imposed by environmental laws and regulations. Second, successful P2 projects help reduce operational costs. Third, the P2 program is fundamental in reducing waste and the generation of pollution. The approach in which we integrate P2 is through the Fort Lee Mission Integration Environmental Management System.

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As one of the pillars of the Environmental Management Division, the Conservation Branch oversees the preservation and management of Fort Lee’s Natural and Cultural Resources. Elements of these resources form the most visible and abundant of the installation’s environmental constraints. This ties the Conservation Team to every aspect of Fort Lee’s planning and mission objectives. These two programs work in concert to retain the installation’s natural and cultural heritage together with supporting the military mission.

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The Compliance Program is one of the four pillars that support the Army’s Environmental Stewardship mission. Simply stated, the Compliance Program ensures that operations and activities conducted on and by Fort Lee and the Army in general meet the requirements of federal, state, and local environmental regulations are obeyed, and strives to exceed those requirements whenever possible. The Compliance Program must deal with a diverse spectrum of regulations that cover all facets of the environment (air, water, soil), and to that end the Program is divided into Branches with individual program managers and their teams, focused on areas that have the highest risk of impact to natural resources and regulatory oversight.

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Protecting The Land We Defend

Environmental Management Division Logo

Environmental Management Division
Fort Lee


EMD Main Office
Room 110 & 125
Building 6005
825 19th Street
Fort Lee, VA 23801

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
0800 - 1630
or By Appointment

Contact Information

EMD Phone Directory

Business Office Phone 804-734-5014
Fax 804-734-3762

Important Links

Last Updated: 02/14/2013

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The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army of this Web site or the information, products or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sites, the U.S. Army does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this DoD Web site.