Command Philosphy

This philosophy guides our actions at USA MEDDAC Fort Stewart and Winn Army Community Hospital. It outlines our organization beliefs and serves as a template for every decision. Absent other directives, rely on this Command Philosophy and you won’t be wrong.

  • We are a values based organization with the Army Values as our foundation. I expect absolute integrity from everyone. Maintain high standards of appearance, bearing, and military courtesy at all times. Treat everyone with dignity and respect. Always be willing to tell the truth, whether good news or bad. Admit mistakes, learn from them, and try not to repeat them. Set the standard. Your job is to make everyone in this organization want to be like you.
  • We are the advocates for our Soldiers and Civilians (staff and patients) and must demonstrate true compassion for their welfare. Look for opportunities to reward them often and publicly. They are patriotic and work extremely hard; they deserve to be led by the very best leaders.
  • I encourage initiative; it’s a fundamental imperative setting the American Army apart from all others. Foster innovative thinking from our Soldiers and Civilians. Good ideas come from all ranks and grades. Push your team to give alternative viewpoints and justify dissenting opinions.
  • No leader likes surprises. Let me know as soon as possible if something good or bad is occurring. I need to hear from you first (and frequently) about happenings in this Command.
  • Our organization is superb and plays a key role in maintaining Army readiness. Advertise to the world what an outstanding organization we have at every opportunity. “Branding” will play a greater role in future resource decisions. Everyone is a recruiter—tell our story.
  • These are things that are incompatible with command and good order and discipline: Moral/Ethical Violations, Drug Abuse, Driving Under the Influence, Sexual Offenses, Inappropriate Relationships, and Spouse/Child Abuse.
  • Have fun, both on and off duty. Develop personal and professional goals and keep them. Life is to be enjoyed with family and friends using safety as our watchword.
  • Ours is a constantly changing environment. Maintain your professional competence, both military and medical. Take responsibility for your own education along with those you lead.
  • Make these ideals part of your own philosophy and I believe that you will be a respected leader. We represent the greatest nation on earth; be proud of it.

I am extremely honored to be your Commander and will strive at all times to be worthy of your respect and trust. I won’t ask you to do something that I am not willing to do. I will always try to set a good example for every Soldier and Civilian; I ask the same of you.

Ronald J. Place
Colonel, US Army