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Food Safety Modernization Act

Learn how FSMA makes preventing problems before they occur the basis of food safety, how the new law applies to both domestic and imported foods, and how everyone from farm to table shares responsibility.


Para obtener mayor información visit FDA's FSMA web page.

Icons - YouTube - 22x22 To view our entire collection of videos, visit FDA's Consumers Playlist on YouTube ícono de descargo de responsabilidad

Presentaciones de diapositivas

Faces of FDA

See portraits of some of the dedicated FDA employees who are working hard to protect and promote your health.


For captions, including names, titles and links to the FDA Voice blogs and Consumer Update articles they have written or contributed to, visit the Faces of FDA Flickr photo set.

Icons - Flickr - 22x22 For more photos, visit FDA's Flickr Photostream ícono de descargo de responsabilidad


Comuníquese con la FDA

  • ConsumerInfo@fda.hhs.gov

    Consumer Health Information Staff
    Room 5377, Building 32
    10903 New Hampshire Ave.
    Silver Spring, MD 20993


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