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Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los EE.UU.


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Food Defense & Emergency Response

FDA works with other government agencies and private sector organizations to help reduce the risk of tampering or other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions on the food and cosmetic supply.

Below are the components of Food Defense & Emergency Response.


Request for Proposals for FREE-B Workshops

Seeking to provide limited strategic guidance and financial support to interested State, Local, Tribal and Territorial-based food and feed regulatory entities to conduct exercises that are part of the FREE-B portfolio.

Más > ícono de descargo de responsabilidad

Food Defense Logo


Food Safety Summit Workshop: Interactive Food Defense Workshop

Industry and government food defense representatives completed the Food Defense Workshop and provided insights to more than 200 attendees - in person and via FoodSHIELD webinar. The presenations are now available.
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Food Safety Summit Workshop

Food Defense Awareness for Front-line Food Industry Workers

Employees FIRST is an FDA initiative that food industry managers can include in their ongoing employee food defense training programs.

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Employees are the FIRST line of food defense
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Education & Outreach

Visite los Education & Outreach page to get information on:

  • Consumer Research
  • Courses
  • Recursos educativos
  • Eventos
  • Ordering Publications 

and more...






For additional information, or to contact the Food Defense Oversight Team, please email FoodDefense@fda.hhs.gov








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