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MSA Meetings:

2009 GSA Annual Meeting
2009 GSA Annual Meeting, From Volcanoes to Vineyards
18-21 October, Portland, Oregon

2010 IMA Meeting
2010 General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Bonds and Bridges: Mineral Sciences and their applications, 21-27 August, Budapest, Hungary


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Awards and Grants

MSA Award
Dana Medal
Roebling Medal
Fellowship in MSA
Distinguished Public Service Medal
Crystallographic Research Grant
Mineralogy / Petrology Research Grant
American Mineralogist Undergraduate Award
American Mineralogist Best Paper Award

Education & Outreach

K-12 Education
Collectors Corner
The Lecturer Program
Mineralogy Courses at Universities
SERC Teaching Mineralogy
SERC Teaching Petrology
SERC Teaching Geochemistry

Meetings & Tutorials

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Events Calendar
Fall Meeting with GSA
Spring Meeting
Tucson Gem & Mineral Show
Goldschmidt Conferences
IMA Meetings

Mineralogical Resources

IMA Reports
Mineral Related Links
MSA Crystal Structure Database
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Mineralogy for Kids
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Crystal Database
MSA Crystal
Structure Database
Collectors Corner
Collectors Corner
Rock Identification    
Mineral Identification    


August-September 2009


Geoscience World Login

Short Courses

December 11-12, 2009 - Theoretical and computational methods in mineral physics: applications to geophysics, Berkeley, California - Before the fall AGU meeting.
Description PDF    Mail/Fax Registration PDF    Online Registration    Online Lodging

Publications for Sale OrderOnline

     (25% Discount for Members of MSA, GS, and CMS)

Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Series on Current Subjects
Monographs In Depth Instructional Books
Handbook of Mineralogy Mineral data
Mineralogical Society Publications From Great Britain & Ireland
European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy
Almaz Press
Tranquility Base Press
Other Publications

New Publications for 2007-2009 OrderOnline

Text Books
Mineralogy and Optical Mineralogy (2008)

Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry
RiMG 70 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Fluid-Rock Interaction (2009)
RiMG 69 Minerals, Inclusions And Volcanic Processes (2008)
RiMG 68 Oxygen In The Solar System (2008)
RiMG 67 Amphiboles: Crystal Chemistry, Occurrence, and Health Issues (2007)
RiMG 66 Paleoaltimetry: Geochemical and Thermodynamic Approaches (2007)
RiMG 65 Fluid-Fluid Interaction (2007)

Handbook of Mineralogy
Volume V Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates

European Mineralogical Union Publications
vol. 7 Mineral Behaviour at Extreme Conditions (2005)

Mineralogical Society Landmark Papers
No. 2 Classic Papers in Structure Topology, edited by F. C. Hawthorne (2006)
No. 3 Classic Papers in Metamorphic Petrology, edited by B. W. Evans (2007)

Almaz Press
A Petrographic Atlas

Tranquility Base Press
Diamonds of Siberia (2008)

Over 13,000 Articles Published in the American Mineralogist are Online

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