Interior Plains (Michigan)

Model IP-3 represents that part of the Interior Plains physiographic division (Figure 1.1) within lower Michigan encompassing much of the state, plus the eastern margin of Wisconsin. More specifically, IP-3 is situated in the Eastern Lake physiographic section of the Central Lowland physiographic province within the Interior Plains. The Central Lowland province extends into southwestern Ontario where it is referred to as the St. Lawrence Lowlands physiographic region. Excluded from model IP-3 is the northwest portion of the upper peninsula of Michigan which rests in the Laurentian Upland physiographic division. (Fernberg et al. 2013, in prep.)

1D Resistivity Model for Central Lowland-East Lake Section Model IP-3

Resistivity vlaues and depths have been interpreted from published geological reports and maps, and my differ from actual conditions measured by a geophysical survey and/or borehole

Source data: IP-3 Table.docx

SU-1 AP-2 AP-1 SL-1 IP-1


Location of IP-3