United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA National HIV/AIDS Website

FAQ: What should you do if you miss a dose of your HIV medicines?

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Q: What should you do if you miss a dose of your HIV medicines?

Missing doses of HIV medicines can reduce their usefulness and increase the possibility of developing drug resistance, which makes certain HIV drugs lose their effectiveness.

If you realize you have missed a dose, go ahead and take the medication as soon as you can, then take the next dose at your usual scheduled time. (There may be some exceptions to this general rule--for example, if taking a medicine such as efavirenz [Sustiva] in the daytime would cause unmanageable side effects.)

If you find you are missing doses of your HIV medications, talk to your provider and pharmacist about ways to help you remember to take the medications at the same time every day, or to figure out the most appropriate regimen for you. One simple reminder technique that many people use is to take their HIV medications at the same time as they do another daily task, such as brushing their teeth before bedtime.