Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN)
Planetary Names: Search Results

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Your search results (1 - 50 of 65)
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14929 Aelia Aelia Vesta 4.3 -14.2 140.7 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [256] Aelia Oculata; Roman vestal virgin (c. 83). Feb 28, 2012
14916 Agonium Rupes Agonium Rupes Vesta 108 -53.3 166.7 -43 -64.2 176.7 156.5 +E (0-360) EU - Roman Rupes, rupēs RU - Approved Dec 27, 2011 [261] Roman festival celebrated several times a year; on this day the Rex sacrorum offered a ram in the Regia. Dec 27, 2011
15062 Albalonga Catena Albalonga Catena Vesta 148 -7.68 284.78 -5 -10.3 301 267.9 +E (0-360) EU - Roman Catena, catenae CA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [182] Alba Longa (usually identified with Castel Gandolfo), in the Alban Hills, 25 km SE of Rome. Ancient city founded by Ascanius. Nov 21, 2012
15051 Albana Albana Vesta 96 74 56.3 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [279] Roman vestal virgin. Nov 21, 2012
14930 Antonia Antonia Vesta 17.4 -58.9 200.8 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [182] Famous Roman woman, daughter of M. Antonius and Octavia, wife of Drusus, mother of Germanicus, Livilla, and Emperor Claudius (36 B.C. - A.D. 37). Feb 28, 2012
14931 Aquilia Aquilia Vesta 36.8 -49.7 41 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [256] Julia Aquilia Severa; Roman vestal virgin (c. 218). Feb 28, 2012
14913 Aricia Tholus Aricia Tholus Vesta 37 12.1 161.8 16.3 8 164.4 158.7 +E (0-360) EU - Roman Tholus, tholi TH - Approved Dec 27, 2011 [182] City at the foot of Albanus Mons, once a powerful city in early Latium (present-day Ariccia). Dec 27, 2011
14932 Arruntia Arruntia Vesta 11.2 39.4 71.6 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [256] Roman vestal virgin (c. 70 B.C.). Feb 28, 2012
14875 Bellicia Bellicia Vesta 34 37 47 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [255] Roman vestal virgin (c. 3rd century). Oct 3, 2011
15065 Brumalia Tholus Brumalia Tholus Vesta 47 -6.3 274 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Tholus, tholi TH - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [285] Roman festival of Bacchus celebrated on the day of the winter solstice. Nov 21, 2012
14904 Calpurnia Calpurnia Vesta 50 16.7 199.4 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Dec 27, 2011 [256] Roman vestal virgin (c. 3rd century). Dec 27, 2011
14933 Canuleia Canuleia Vesta 11.2 -33.7 294.5 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [255] One of the first Roman vestal virgins. Feb 28, 2012
14876 Caparronia Caparronia Vesta 54 36 167 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [256] Roman vestal virgin (d. 266 B.C.). Oct 3, 2011
14877 Claudia Claudia Vesta 0.7 -1.6 356 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [255] Roman vestal virgin (c. 143 B.C.), defines 356E degrees longitude on Vesta. Oct 3, 2011
14905 Cornelia Cornelia Vesta 15 -9.3 225.5 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Dec 27, 2011 [256] Roman vestal virgin (c. 23). Dec 27, 2011
14911 Divalia Fossa Divalia Fossa Vesta 440 -10.5 38 -3.7 -13 350 91 +E (0-360) EU - Roman Fossa, fossae FO - Approved Dec 27, 2011 [261] Roman festival held on December 21 in honor of the goddess Angerona. Dec 27, 2011
14878 Domitia Domitia Vesta 25 37 188 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [256] Roman vestal virgin (c. 10-19). Oct 3, 2011
15052 Domna Domna Vesta 13 -11 75.8 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [280] Julia; wife of Roman emperor Severus. Nov 21, 2012
14934 Drusilla Drusilla Vesta 21 -15.1 261.4 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [182] Julia; famous Roman woman, second daughter of Germanicus and Agrippina, sister of Gaius (16-38). Feb 28, 2012
15053 Eumachia Eumachia Vesta 26.8 -0.1 167.1 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [262] Priestess and prominent citizen of Pompeii (c. 1st century). Nov 21, 2012
14935 Eusebia Eusebia Vesta 26 -42.2 204.5 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [263] Famous Roman woman, second wife of Constantius II. Feb 28, 2012
15054 Eutropia Eutropia Vesta 21 22.4 105 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [281] Wife of Maximian (c. 324). Nov 21, 2012
14936 Fabia Fabia Vesta 12 15.6 265.9 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [256] Roman vestal virgin (served as a vestal virgin from 73 to pre 58 B.C.). Feb 28, 2012
14915 Feralia Planitia Feralia Planitia Vesta 270 4 312 18 -10 342 283 +E (0-360) EU - Roman Planitia, planitiae PL - Approved Dec 27, 2011 [182] Roman All Souls’ Day (February 21) where each household made offerings at the graves of its dead. Dec 27, 2011
14879 Floronia Floronia Vesta 20 36 304 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [256] Roman vestal virgin (d. 216 B.C.). Oct 3, 2011
15055 Fonteia Fonteia Vesta 20.8 -53.1 141.3 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [256] Roman vestal virgin (c. 69 B.C.). Nov 21, 2012
15056 Galeria Galeria Vesta 21 -29.9 228.4 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [282] Galeria Fundana; wife of Emperor Vitellius, (c. 1st century). Nov 21, 2012
14880 Gegania Gegania Vesta 44 4 61 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [257] Roman vestal virgin. Oct 3, 2011
14906 Helena Helena Vesta 22 -41.4 122.5 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Dec 27, 2011 [259] Flavia Iulia Helena Augusta; mother of Constantine the Great. Dec 27, 2011
14937 Justina Justina Vesta 7 -34.4 317.9 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [264] Famous Roman woman, second wife of Emperor Valentinian. Feb 28, 2012
14938 Laelia Laelia Vesta 9.2 -46.8 140.5 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [256] Roman vestal virgin (c. 62). Feb 28, 2012
15064 Lavinium Dorsum Lavinium Dorsum Vesta 92 27.6 319.4 28.4 25.6 331.5 308 +E (0-360) EU - Roman Dorsum, dorsa DO - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [182] Roman city revered it for its Aeneas traditions, its Venus temple, and it cults of Vesta (now Pratica de Mare). Nov 21, 2012
14939 Lepida Lepida Vesta 44 16.7 306.8 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [256] Roman vestal virgin (c. 25). Feb 28, 2012
14940 Licinia Licinia Vesta 23.8 23.5 17.4 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [257] Roman vestal virgin (c. 140-113 B.C.). Feb 28, 2012
14881 Lucaria Tholus Lucaria Tholus Vesta 22 -13 104 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Tholus, tholi TH - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [258] Ancient Roman feast held on July 19 when the Romans, defeated and pursued by the Gauls, retired and concealed themselves in the woods. Oct 3, 2011
15057 Mamilia Mamilia Vesta 35.6 48.4 292.2 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [260] Roman vestal virgin (c. 240). Nov 21, 2012
14882 Marcia Marcia Vesta 58 10 190 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [257] Roman vestal virgin (d. 113 B.C.). Oct 3, 2011
14917 Matronalia Rupes Matronalia Rupes Vesta 208 -49.5 82.7 -43 -54 116 51.7 +E (0-360) EU - Roman Rupes, rupēs RU - Approved Dec 27, 2011 [182] Roman festival associated with the goddess Juno, celebrated on March 1. Dec 27, 2011
14907 Minucia Minucia Vesta 21.5 20.2 207.4 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Dec 27, 2011 [255] Roman vestal virgin (c. 337 B.C.). Dec 27, 2011
15058 Myia Myia Vesta 2.7 -50.5 106.2 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [283] Daughter of Pythagoras and Theano, wife of Milon of Crotona. Nov 21, 2012
14883 Numisia Numisia Vesta 30 -7 247 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [255] Roman vestal virgin (c. 204). Oct 3, 2011
14941 Occia Occia Vesta 7.2 -15.4 18.4 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [255] Roman vestal virgin (served as vestal virgin from c. 40 B.C. to A.D. 19). Feb 28, 2012
14942 Octavia Octavia Vesta 30 -3.3 147 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [256] Roman vestal virgin (third century A.D.). Feb 28, 2012
14884 Oppia Oppia Vesta 34 -8 309 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [256] Roman vestal virgin (d. 483 B.C.). Oct 3, 2011
15059 Paulina Paulina Vesta 19 11 343.1 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [284] Aurelia; priestess for life of asylum-granting Artemis Pergaia, built hydreion at her own expense. Nov 21, 2012
14885 Pinaria Pinaria Vesta 37 -29 32 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [255] Roman vestal virgin (c. 600 B.C.). Oct 3, 2011
15060 Pomponia Pomponia Vesta 63 70 114.2 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [282] Roman vestal virgin (c. 213). Nov 21, 2012
14943 Publicia Publicia Vesta 15.9 14.5 84.4 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Feb 28, 2012 [255] Flavia Publicia; Roman vestal virgin (c. 213). Feb 28, 2012
14886 Rheasilvia Rheasilvia Vesta 500 -75 301 - - - - +E (0-360) EU - Roman Crater, craters AA - Approved Sep 30, 2011 [256] Rhea Silvia, Roman vestal virgin, mother of Romulus and Remus (c. 770 B.C.). The name of the crater has been condensed to Rheasilvia to avoid the use of a double name. Oct 3, 2011
15063 Robigalia Catena Robigalia Catena Vesta 78 -14.1 230.1 -12.3 -15 239.1 221.1 +E (0-360) EU - Roman Catena, catenae CA - Approved Nov 21, 2012 [261] Roman festival where a dog was sacrificed to the god Robigus to prevent the red dust, or mildew, which attacked corn when the ear was beginning to form. Nov 21, 2012

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