1. Stuart Dixon
    May 10, 2011 at 10:04 pm

    If the “shift to the west side of the line” is approved by U.S. Congress, would Hawaii be the first to vote in presidential elections?

  2. Kelly Buchanan
    May 11, 2011 at 9:01 am

    Apparently the change would put Hawaii two hours ahead of the West Coast and five hours ahead of the East Coast (during daylight saving time). One of the benefits put forward by the representative who introduced the resolution in Hawaii was that “we would be the first place to cast our ballots for national elections every two years…”

    In terms of the process, the representative also noted that “It does not take an act of Congress to make the change” and “all we have to do is request a change in the international date line from federal authorities.” The resolution itself calls on the Governor of Hawaii to “petition the United States Department of State to undertake efforts to amend the international dateline in a manner that places the State in the same calendar day as Japan.”

  3. Professor Peabody
    June 8, 2011 at 11:04 am

    The implication seems to be that any of the “several states” may decide to adopt any calendar. Some might decide to eliminate days selectively – for example the day that federal taxes must be filed.

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