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Doing Business in Austria

Austria, with a population of 8.4 million, is a dynamic European Union member country offering export opportunities for U.S. companies of all sizes. For U.S. firms looking to expand in Southeast Europe, Austria offers attractive features as a regional headquarters location, and recent Austrian governments have sought to increase encourage this through economic reforms and by highlighting Austria’s historical and economic ties to the surrounding region. At present, approximately 350 U.S. firms have subsidiaries, affiliates, franchisees, and licensees in Austria. About 150 of these companies have regional responsibilities for Central European, Eastern European, or Balkan countries.

Basically, Austria is a good export market for U.S. companies, with no significant trade barriers. Qualified Austrian agents and distributors can be found for nearly every kind of product. Given the size of the country, Austria represents a desirable, affluent pilot market for U.S.-made products in Europe. Because of Austria’s geographic location and history, many Austrian agents and distributors, in addition to the Austrian market, sell regionally, covering several markets in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Balkan countries. [...]

Austrian Holidays & Travel Tips

Business visitors should note that the Austrian vacation season is in July and August, and that many decision-makers take extended vacations during that time - sometimes four weeks or more. Business visits or events are not recommended during these two months. For a general overview of holidays in Austria please follow this link.

Office Hours

Office hours are generally Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm, though there is some variation depending on the firm. Many offices and businesses close after lunch on Friday afternoons, reflecting the widely implemented 38.5-hour workweek. Bank hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm, with one long afternoon per week.

Travel Advisories and Visas

There are no travel advisories specifically for Austria, nor are visas necessary for visits to Austria lasting less than three months. Non-EU citizens will require a residence permit for longer stays. Please visit the Department of State Website for the latest travel advisories.

Emergency Information

In the event of an emergency, please contact the U.S. Citizens Services section of the U.S. Consular Section: +43 1 313 39-0 For more information on travel to / within Austria, please see Chapter 8 of our "Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies: Doing Business in Austria".

Country Commercial Guide

Every year, the trade experts at U.S. Embassy in Vienna put together an overview of the economic, legal, political, and financial systems in Austria. This report is now available in its most recent issue.

For more information, please see Chapter 1 of our "Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies: Doing Business in Austria". You may contact the U.S. Commercial Service Austria directly to receive a free .pdf copy via e-Mail or download here.

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