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Research Station

200 W.T. Weaver Blvd.
Asheville, NC
(828) 257-4832
(828) 259-0503 TTY

Greeting from Rob Doudrick, Director of the Southern Research Station

Transcript of video

Hello and welcome to the U.S. Forest Service Southern Research Station!

I'm Station Director Rob Doudrick, and I want to thank you for visiting the Station's Web site.

Our mission is to create the science and technology needed to sustain and enhance southern forest ecosystems and the benefits they provide.

I invite you to learn more about us and the tools and technologies we’ve developed to solve the current and emerging natural resource issues facing the South's forests.

I also invite you to follow our links to important partners and other Web sites.

Today, the Southern Research Station is addressing issues that are critically important, both regionally and nationally – issues like climate change, invasive species, and wildfires. And, we’re providing for energy independence and security, clean and abundant water supplies, and sustainable urban development.

Together with our partners, who are central to accomplishing the Southern Research Station mission, we promise to provide the service, science, and technologies you need to care for the land.

We remain committed to delivering our science products in useful, cost-effective forms.

Through our research, we will continue to help sustain our Nation's forests across all lands.

Once again, thank you for visiting the Southern Research Station’s Web site.