
New Books on Forest Landscape Restoration

Two new books link natural and social sciences U.S. Forest Service scientists made significant contributions to two related books recently published by Springer:  Forest Landscape Restoration: Integrating Natural and Social Sciences and A Goal-Oriented Approach to Forest landscape Restoration. Forest Service Southern Research Station (SRS) scientist John Stanturf served as lead editor on both books, … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics & Policy, Ethics & Values, Fire, Fish & Wildlife, Forest Landowners, Insects and Diseases, Invasive Plants, Restoration, Threats | Tags: , , | Comments Off

How Did the Fish Get Across the Road?

Early in the morning, a crew is gearing up for another day. Dip nets, waders, buckets, snorkeling gear and measuring devices are loaded into the truck. Off they go on another assignment—another stream to survey, monitoring equipment to install, aquatic organisms to inventory, stream crossings to photograph.  After a long drive back to the office, the … Continue reading »

Categories: Fish & Wildlife, Forest Watersheds, Restoration | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off

Managing For Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

The nonnative invasive insect hemlock woolly adelgid is taking its toll on eastern hemlock trees in the Southern Appalachian region of the United States, where the tree often serves as a foundation or keystone species along mountain streams. A new article by U.S. Forest Service researchers covers the latest in control strategies for hemlock woolly … Continue reading »

Categories: Forest Watersheds, Insects and Diseases, Restoration, Threats | Tags: | Comments Off