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Federal Election Commission

Disclosure Data Weblog

We've begun posting detailed data from electioneering communications filings on the ftp server - ec_exp_2010.csv or ec_exp_2010.txt. (We have some background on this activity and the reporting system.) We'll be posting this file on the same schedule we're using for independent expenditures - a new version at the start of each business day and another one late in the afternoon (eastern time).

Here's the format for the file;

Keep in mind that there may be some duplication in this file if groups submit the same information to us more than once.


Connecting Groups and Candidates, or extracting info by state seems overly complex with this format since not all related info is on the same line.

Many entries seem to appear as a set of two lines, with the first line specifying the SPE_NAME (Name of Group) along with EXP_AMO (Disbursement Amount) BUT with blanks for candidate info and state info.

The second line then has blanks for SPE_NAME and EXP_AMO and then specifies the CAND_NM (Candidate Name) and CAND_OFFICE_ST (Candidate Office State).

On my first look there appears to be a different TRAN_ID (Transaction ID) for the two lines but many blank fields in each of the two lines. A field is blank in one line and the same field has info in the other of the pair.

Why not merge all the info into a single line and just have two transaction IDs?

Connecting Groups and Candidates , and extracting info for a particular state should not be as hard as it appears to be.

Posted by Earl F Glynn on September 25, 2010 at 08:52 PM EDT #

The file format was designed to accommodate electioneering communication disbursements related to single candidates and multiple candidates. A single disbursement may be related to multiple candidates. The filing entity is not required to report what proportion of a single disbursement is related to each candidate. If there is only one candidate listed, it is a reasonable assumption that the total disbursement is related to that candidate. However, when multiple candidates are listed the proportion of the disbursement related to each candidate is unknowable based on the information reported on the Form 9.

Posted by Paul on September 30, 2010 at 06:43 PM EDT #

is there a way to use microsoft access, connect these various tables and assort accordingly to spreadsheets and graphs of certain candidates, I know mySQL and it has some similiar strings, however, I would prefer if I can subject this data to cross-reference them in different tables within access.

Posted by Math Tutor - Malek H. on November 03, 2010 at 03:01 PM EDT #

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