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Federal Election Commission

Disclosure Data Weblog

We've added another file to the FEC Disclosure Data Catalog - this one summarizing financial activity for every committee (Campaign, PAC, Party, etc.) that files financial information with us.

This file should give everyone a current look at the overall financial picture for any committee.  You will find totals for receipts and disbursements, along with all of the categories of sources of funds or types of spending that are defined in the Commission's reporting scheme. (You can see a list of these categories by looking at the old paper forms and instructions, either for campaigns or for PACs and Parties and others.)  Be sure to also look at the metadata for descriptions of the information.

This information covers the period from January 1, 2009 through the most recent report submitted by the committee.  You'll want to think about the reporting schedule as you use this file, so you can be sure to have the most current information available. For example, the file that is out there today (January 20, 2010) doesn't include the last month or quarter (or in the case of some PACs and parties the last six months of 2009) because year-end reports aren't due until January 31.

This file will probably be most useful for PACs and parties, but it also includes information for campaign committees.  If you're looking for 2010 campaigns your best bet will still be the Candidate Summary File, because that file combines the financial activity if there are several committees involved in a single candidate's campaign.  This file will be useful, though, if you're looking for information about Senators or other candidates who are not running in 2010 elections.  Those committees' financial summaries for 2009-2010 will be here.

We're going to keep building the catalog as quickly as we can - let us know if there are other sets of data you'd like to see.


This is very helpful. Is there any way to limit the data to information from the latest quarter only. Say, for example, that I wanted to create a spreadsheet detailing how much every House candidate raised in the second quarter of 2010. I see I can limit the data to reports filed on June 30, 2010, but that still pulls data from previous reports.

Posted by CommitteeTom on July 09, 2010 at 11:15 AM EDT #

Tom, We don't have report-by-report information in the data catalog yet, but you can get it from our FTP server here - ftp://ftp.fec.gov/FEC/canbyrpt.txt (this one is for candidate committees and has one summary record for each reporting period (generally each quarter) for each campaign committee. The format for the data is here - ftp://ftp.fec.gov/FEC/byrpt.rtf We'll post a similar file for PAC/party committees when the July quarterly and monthly files arrive - look for ftp://ftp.fec.gov/FEC/cmteby10.txt - with the same format except no candidate ID number at the end of the record. hope this helps

Posted by Bob on July 09, 2010 at 02:14 PM EDT #

I was interested in looking at PAC financial information. When I looked in the Committee Summary in the downloadable files for the 2012 election cycle it showed approx 1725 records. However, when I looked in the PAC summary data files in web12.zip, there were aprox 5725 records. Why the disparity? What is the difference between these files? I would have thought the PAC only file would have been a subset of the overall Committee summary. What am I missing here?

Posted by Patty Carr on April 11, 2011 at 06:37 PM EDT #

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