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Project 25 Documents & Standards Reference

Revised Jan 29, 2013
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Console Subsystem Interface Documents, Trunked


Provides guidance necessary to meet the optional (mandatory if using an RFSS) conventional P25 CSSI standard for voice and control services.

Description and Specification Documents

Overview (Informative)

  • Project 25 Console Subsystem Interface Overview, TSB-102.BAGA (Feb 2008)

  • (CSSI Connectivity Requirements; CSSI Services: Voice Services, Supplementary Services, Encryption Services, and Other Console Features; Functions Related to Other Interfaces: Console Subscriber Key Management – Not Part of CSSI, Console Encryption Key Fill/Update, Packet Data Services, Complexity 1 CSSI Conventional Control Services)

Protocol (Normative)

  • Inter-RF Subsystem Interface Messages and Procedures for TDMA Extensions, TIA-102.BACA-B (Nov 2012)

  • (Describes the architecture, protocol suite, messages, parameters, state models, and procedures to support the following services among RFSSs over the ISSI. Voice services: group voice service for both confirmed and unconfirmed group calls, SU-to-SU voice service for both direct calls and calls requiring prior RF availability check. Mobility management functions: mobile SU registration, mobile SU tracking, group affiliation by mobile SUs and consoles, group tracking, authentication credential distribution, SNDCP Context registration. Optional ISSI support functions: RFSS service capability polling.)

Testing Documents

Conformance Tests Procedures

  • Console Subsystem Interface Conformance, TIA-102.xxxx (CITG approval, TBD; TR-8.19 approval, TBD)

Measurement Methods

  • Project 25 Inter-RF Subsystem Interface Measurement Methods for Voice Services, TIA-102.CACA (Apr 2007)

  • (ISSI Voice Services Performance Models, Performance Parameters, and Measurement Procedures)

  • Project 25 Inter-RF Subsystem Interface Measurement Methods for Voice Services — Addendum 1 — Trunked Console ISSI, TIA-102.CACA-1 (Dec 2008)

Performance Recommendations

  • Project 25 Inter-RF Subsystem Interface Performance Recommendations for Voice Services, TIA-102.CACB (Apr 2007)

  • Project 25 Inter-RF Subsystem Interface Performance Recommendations for Voice Services — Addendum 1 — Trunked Console, TIA-102.CACB-1 (Dec 2008)

Interoperability Test Procedures

  • Console Subsystem Interface Interoperability Testing Procedures, TIA-102.xxxx (CITG approval, TBD; CAPP TG approval, TBD)

Compliance Assessment Documents

(No documents are currently under development)