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United States Standard General Ledger Logo

USSGL Implementation Guidance


The U.S. Standard General Ledger Division (USSGL) serves as a source of guidance and information concerning standard accounting practices, as well as guidance on issues that are unique. Through consensus of the Issues Resolution Committee (IRC) and the USSGL Board, the following USSGL implementation guidance scenarios are approved. These scenarios are offered here as reference material. It is the intention of the USSGL Division to keep this information current by updating existing scenarios and adding information as it becomes available. However, always refer to the current USSGL TFM for the most up-to-date accounting transactions.

The scenarios are identified by topic, and then listed by the most recent.

Proprietary Accounting Related Scenarios
Effective Date
Capital Transfers
 PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2013
Updates to Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (Workers’ Compensation)
PDFPDF File  WordWord File
Fiscal 2013
Accounting for the Disposal of General Property, Plant and Equipment from FFATR No. 14
PDFPDF File  WordWord File
Fiscal 2013
Gains and Losses on Pensions, Other Retirement Benefits or Other Post Employment Benefits Assumption Changes
PDFPDF File  WordWord File
Fiscal 2012
Guide for Basic Accounting and Reporting — Non-fiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment Authority and Clearing Account Guidance
PDFPDF File  WordWord File
Fiscal 2012
U.S. Debit Card Program
 PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2011
Actuarial Liabilities
 PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2011
General Fund Receipt (GFR) Account - Custodial Collection Transfer to a Different Intragovernmental TAS - USSGLs 5997 and 5998
 PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2010
General Fund Receipt (GFR) Account Guide
 PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2008
Payroll and Annual Leave Transactions  PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2003
Presentation: Prior Period Adjustments  PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2003
Memorandum Accounts for Current-Year Asset Activity - Purchases Scenario PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2003
Imprest Fund PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2003
Federal Employee Health Benefits/Leave Without Pay Status
 PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2002
Operating Material and Supplies Held for Repair PDF File Fiscal 2002
Capital and Operating Leases PDF File Fiscal 2002
Cost Capitalization Offset PDF File Fiscal 2002
Internal Use Software in Development PDF File Fiscal 2002
Investments Not Held to Maturity PDF File
Fiscal 2002
Environmental Clean-up Costs PDF File Fiscal 2001
USSGL Changes Relating to Miscellaneous Receipts/Taxes Receivable and Entitlement Benefits Payable
PDFPDF FileWordWord File
Fiscal 2000
Disposition of Personal Property PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 1998

Budgetary Accounting Related Scenarios
Effective Date
Debt Forgiveness Appropriations
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2013
Appropriated Trust or Special Fund Receipts Derived from “Unavailable” and “Available” Trust or Special Fund Receipt Accounts
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2013
Refunds of Prior-Year Advances Refunded in the Current Year From Unexpired TAFS As Obligations and Outlays
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2011
Refunds of Prior-Year Spending Authority From Offsetting Collections (Other Than Advances) Refunded in the Current Year From Unexpired TAFS As Obligations and Outlays
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2011
Refunds of Prior-Year Advances and Other Spending Authority From Offsetting Collections Refunded in the Current Year From Expired TAFS as Obligations and Outlays PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2011
Reappropriations — Budgetary Resources Transferred Out Due to a Reappropriation
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2011
Appropriations Provided by a Continuing Resolution
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2006
Balance Transfers-Unexpired TAFS to Expired TAFS (USSGL 4192) for Foreign Currency Fluctuations-Use Only With OMB Approval
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2005
Extensions of Availability Other Than Reappropriations Expired TAFS to Unexpired TAFS
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2004
Advance Funding PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2004
Congressional Deferral PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2004
Emergency, Contingent Appropriation PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2004
Executive Branch Deferral PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2004
Forward Funding PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2004
Supplemental Appropriation PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2004
Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections Applied to Liquidate a Deficiency
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2003
Advance Appropriation PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2002
Appropriation to Liquidate a Deficiency PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2002
Receipts Not Available for Obligation Upon Collection PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2001
Authority Temporarily Precluded from Obligation PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2001
INTERIM GUIDANCE - Receipts Not Available for Obligation Upon Collection PDFPDF File WordWord File
See "Receipts Not Available for Obligation" above for Fiscal 2001 guidance.
Fiscal 2000
INTERIM GUIDANCE - Accounting for Authority Temporarily Precluded from Obligation
PDFPDF File WordWord File
See "Authority Temporarily Precluded from Obligation" above for Fiscal 2001 guidance.
Fiscal 2000
Upward and Downward Adjustments to Expired Appropriations
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2000
Transfer of Unpaid Expended Authority PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2000
Transfer of Prior Year Balances PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2000
Accounting for Transfer of Authority with Obligations PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2000
FACTS II Issues - Miscellaneous Items PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 1999
Proposal for Accounting for Paid and Unpaid Obligations PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 1998
Transactions Required to Complete Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources (SF 133)
PDFPDF File WordWord File
(These transactions may be superceded by more recent scenarios.)
Fiscal 1997
Appropriation Transfers PDFPDF File WordWord File
(These transactions may be superceded by more recent scenarios.)
Fiscal 1997

Cancellation Related Scenarios
Effective Date
Cancellation Cheat Sheet: Cancellations, Partial Adjustments, and Specific Permanent Reductions (Cheat Sheet)
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2013
Partial Cancellation - No-Year TAFS with Definite Authority PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2011
Guide for Basic Accounting and Reporting — Accounting for Early Cancellation of the Entire Appropriation
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2011
Expired and Canceled Authority for Agency Managed Trust or Special Funds (Unavailable Receipts) PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2011
Cancellations of Expenditure Transfers Receivable/Payable
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2007
Cancellation - Available Trust or Special Funds With Invested Relationships PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2006
Accounting for Expired and Cancelled Authority for Other Than Special and Trust Funds
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2004
Canceled Payables
Fiscal 2002

Reduction Related Scenarios
Effective Date
Permanent Reduction to General Fund Appropriation (USSGL Accounts 4392 and 4393)
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2005
Temporary Reduction - Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2005
Temporary Reduction--Appropriation Reduced in Special/Trust Expenditure Account and Amount Returned to Associated Special/Trust Unavailable Receipt Account
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2005
Reductions to Contract Authority
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2004 and 2005
Reductions to Borrowing Authority
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2004 and 2005
Reductions of Expenditure Transfers Receivable/Payable
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2005
Rescission Scenario I: Unavailable Receipt TAFS
Appropriation Rescinded and Cancelled - Returned to the General Fund
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2003
Rescission Scenario IIA: Available Receipt TAFS
Trust Fund Investments Appropriation Rescinded but not Cancelled
PDFPDF File WordWord File (Note: USSGL account 4384 is available for use in Fiscal 2002)
Fiscal 2003
Rescission Scenario IIB: Available Receipt TAFS
Unobligated Balances Classified as Precluded from Obligation at Year-End
PDFPDF File WordWord File (Note: USSGL account 4384 is available for use in Fiscal 2002)
Fiscal 2003
Rescission Scenario IIC: Available Receipt TAFS
Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection
PDFPDF File WordWord File (Note: USSGL account 4384 is available for use in Fiscal 2002)
Fiscal 2003
Rescission Scenario IID: Available Receipt TAFS

PDFPDF File WordWord File (Note: USSGL account 4384 is available for use in Fiscal 2002)
Fiscal 2003
Rescission Scenario IIE: Specific Treasury-Managed Appropriations
PDFPDF File WordWord File (Note: USSGL account 4384 is available for use in Fiscal 2002)
Fiscal 2003
Rescission Scenario III: Unavailable Receipt TAFS
Appropriation Rescinded and Returned to Associated Special and Trust Receipt Accounts
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2003
Interim Guidance for Rescission of Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections
PDFPDF FileWordWord File
Fiscal 2002
Rescissions/Other Unavailable Authority PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 1997

Borrowing Authority
Effective Date
Portion Substituted for Borrowing Authority (Appropriation) PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2003
Portion Substituted for Borrowing Authority (Offsetting Collection) PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 2003

Contract Authority
Effective Date
Contract Authority--Substituted and Liquidated by Offsetting Collections
 WordWord File
Fiscal 2005
Contract Authority - Liquidated by Appropriations
 WordWord File
Fiscal 2003

Credit Reform
Effective Date
New Credit Reform Accounts
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2000
See also
Credit Reform Accounting Case Studies

Reimbursable Activity
Effective Date
Economy Act Scenario 1
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2005
Revolving Funds
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2005

Special Funds
Effective Date
Trust and Special Fund Nonexpenditure "Non-Allocation" Transfers of Invested Balances
PDFPDF File Word Word File
Fiscal 2004
Trust or Special Fund Refunds and Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
PDFPDF File Word Word File
Fiscal 2003
Unavailable Special Fund Receipt Account Transfers
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2000

Trust Funds

Note: USSGL scenarios specific to Federal Trust Fund accounting are now located on the Federal Trust Fund Accounting Guide web page.
Effective Date
Trust Fund Transfers of Contract Authority – Nonallocation Transfers Guidance Specific to the Highway Trust Fund (69X8102) and Recipient Trust Funds (69X8083 and 69X8350)
PDFPDF File Word Word File
Fiscal 2012
Trust and Special Fund Nonexpenditure "Non-Allocation" Transfers of Invested Balances
PDFPDF File Word Word File
Fiscal 2004
Trust or Special Fund Refunds and Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
PDFPDF File Word Word File
Fiscal 2003
Accounting for Social Security Administration's Limitation on Administrative Expenses (LAE) Trust Fund
Word Word File
Fiscal 2002
Trust Fund Appropriation Transfers for Specific Treasury-Managed Trust Funds:
Fiscal 2001 Interim Guidance HTML File
Fiscal 2001

USSGL Changes Relating to Implementation of FASAB Standards
Effective Date
SFFAS #5: Liabilities: Transactions pertaining to pensions
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2000
SFFAS #3: Accounting for Inventory and Related Property
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 1999
SFFAS #4: Managerial Cost Accounting Concepts and Standards for the Federal Government
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 1999
SFFAS #6: Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment; and SFFAS #8: Supplementary Stewardship Reporting
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 1998
SFFAS #7: Accounting for Revenue and Other Financing Sources PDFPDF File WordWord File Fiscal 1998

Effective Date
Nonexpenditure Transfers (NET) Between Two Expired Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols (TAFS)
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2013
Nonexpenditure Transfers — Balance Transfers Resulting From a Legislative Change of Purpose
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2011
Nonexpenditure Transfers General Fund TAFS to a Revolving Fund TAFS
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2006
Nonexpenditure Transfers Special Fund TAFS to a General Fund TAFS
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2006
Transfer Out of Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections with Obligations
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer In of Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections with Obligations
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer In Completion of Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections with Obligations
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer Out of Current Year Authority
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer In of Current Year Authority
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer In Completion of Current Year Authority
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer Out of Prior Year Balances
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer In of Prior Year Balances
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer In Completion of Prior Year Balances
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer Out of USSGL Account 4225
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer In of USSGL Account 4225
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer In Completion of USSGL Account 4225
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer Out of Receivables of Invested Balances
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer In of Receivables of Invested Balances
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004
Transfer In Completion of Receivables of Invested Balances
PDFPDF File ExcelExcel File
Fiscal 2004

Specialized Accounting Scenarios

Note: Transactions in these scenarios may not be included in Section III: Accounting Transactions, of the USSGL TFM.
Effective Date
Non-Credit Reform Borrowings With Capitalized Interest
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2012
Unemployment Trust Fund (UTF) Repayable and Non-Repayable Advances
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2011
Disposition of Borrowings With Capitalized Interest - Federal Financing Bank
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2008
Adjustments for Change in Prior-Year Allocation of Budgetary Resources (SSA and HHS Related TAFS Only)
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2005
Architect of the Capitol
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2004

Prior-Period and Prior-Year Adjustment Scenarios
Effective Date
Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors – Years Preceding the Prior Year
 PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2011
Corrections of Errors That Occurred in Previous Periods
Prior-Period Adjustments (Financial Reporting) and Prior-Year Adjustments (Budgetary Reporting)
PDFPDF File WordWord File
Fiscal 2009

The documents above are available in Portable Document Format (pdf) and/or Word. Use the Adobe Acrobat Reader to read PDF Files. The Acrobat Reader is free to download and install.

   Last Updated:  January 30, 2013

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