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First Lady to Meet London Students at the White House

First Lady Michelle Obama to Meet London Students at the White House

18 February 2010

The American Embassy in London is pleased to announce that First Lady Michelle Obama will meet with ten students from schools across the London borough of Islington today. The visit to the White House is part of a tour of Washington D.C. funded by the American Embassy for the winners of a Black History Month essay competition held in the Islington secondary schools. 

One student winner was selected from each of the ten comprehensive schools in Islington. The essay competition focused on 20th century immigration from Jamaica and the West Indies beginning  in 1948. This event builds on Mrs. Obama’s efforts to engage young people in the United States and around the world.  Airfare, hotels, meals and local travel in Washington DC was provided by a grant from the United States Embassy totaling £13,700.

 • British Ambassador to Washington, Nigel Sheinwald meets the winners at the Embassy in Washington
 • Remarks from First Lady Michelle Obama Meeting with British Essay Contest Winners (
 • Related clips from news organizations: Sky News and  BBC News