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Press Releases 2009

Cisco Systems in Lebanon Recognized for Corporate Excellence by U.S. Department of State

December 22, 2009
U.S. Ambassador Michele J. Sison presents Fadi Moubarak, Cisco Systems' General Manager for the Levant Region with a certificate for being a finalist for the Department of State's Award for Corporate Excellence in 2009...

U.S. Ambassador Michele J. Sison presents Fadi Moubarak, Cisco Systems' General Manager for the Levant Region with a certificate for being a finalist for the Department of State's Award for Corporate Excellence in 2009...

On December 21, 2009 members of the Lebanese business community gathered to honor Cisco Systems for its selection by the U.S. Department of State as a global finalist for the annual Secretary of State's Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE).  This year Cisco was recognized as one of the top finalists for the aware - the first time for a company operating in Lebanon – due to its commitment to community development in Lebanon.

U.S. Ambassador Michele J. Sison lauded Cisco's work: "The Department of State is committed to working with the business community to further their best practices worldwide and to encourage efforts that improve lives at home and abroad. Most importantly, this award recognizes the contributions business makes to improving lives at home and abroad – like Cisco in Lebanon…. Cisco's selection as an ACE finalist is an amazing accomplishment that deserves to be recognized.

Over the past three years, Cisco has invested $15 million to enhance Lebanon’s telecommunications infrastructure, expand educational outreach, and create jobs and business opportunities in Lebanon.  Cisco is a founding member of the Partnership for Lebanon Organization.  The Partnership is a multi-national effort designed to help the people of Lebanon build a better future by expanding the reach of education and workforce training, creating jobs, building out the country’s technology infrastructure, and connecting communities and government.  In cooperation with the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), Cisco has also hosted interns from Lebanon at their corporate headquarters in California.

The ACE award was established by the State Department in 1999 and recognizes the important role U.S. businesses play abroad as good corporate citizens.  The Award is a symbol of the U.S. government's commitment to further corporate social responsibility, innovation, exemplary practices, and democratic values worldwide.