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Press Releases 2009

U.S. Embassy Presents Scholarship Funding to the Lebanese American University

March 10, 2009

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Lebanon Mission Director Denise A. Herbol presented $1,229,012 to Dr. Joseph Jabbra, president of the Lebanese American University to finance scholarships for deserving students on Friday, March 6.  This funding will support more than 476 students as they pursue their educations.

These funds allow students from throughout Lebanon to study and contribute to the continuous development of Lebanon.  In the last ten years, the American people, through the Congress of the United States, have contributed over 90 million dollars to Lebanese education.   The U.S. has contributed assistance to support education at all levels in Lebanon through the Department of State, USAID, the well-known J. William Fulbright program and the Middle East Partnership Initiative.