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Remarks - Presentation of Credentials

January 28, 2010
A woman hands a letter to a man

Ambassador Warlick presents her credentials to Serbian President Boris Tadic

Ambassador Warlick and President Tadic

On January 28, Serbian President Boris Tadic accepted the letter of accreditation from Ambassador Mary Warlick. The president's press service announced that Tadic also received accreditation letters from the ambassadors of Albania, India and Ghana.

The Serbian President welcomed the ambassadors, expressing the belief that during their mandates relations between Serbia and their countries will continue to progress.

Ambassador Warlick's Remarks

Mr. President:

I have the honor to present to you the letter of recall of my predecessor and the letter appointing me as Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary to the Republic of Serbia.

On behalf of President Barack Obama and the people of the United States, I would like to underscore the value we attach to more than a century of friendship and personal ties that bind our two nations together. The United States views Serbia as a crucial partner in creating a Europe that is united, free, and at peace. As Ambassador, I pledge to work with you and your government to help Serbia complete the process of political and economic reforms, resolve the remaining open issues in the region, and achieve integration into Europe and the Euro-Atlantic community of nations.

Vice President Joseph Biden’s visit to Belgrade in May 2009 marked the beginning of an important new phase in our bilateral relationship and was a clear signal of my country’s commitment to partnership with Serbia.

In the years since the democratic transition, Serbia has implemented important economic and democratic reforms, strengthened the rule of law, achieved significant defense reform, developed robust bilateral military cooperation with my country, and established a partnership with NATO. A continued commitment to reforms will increase opportunities for foreign private investment and facilitate the expansion of our growing economic and commercial relationship. On those issues where we do not see eye-to-eye, I pledge to keep the lines of communication open and to seek creative ways forward that benefit Serbia and all the people of the region.

The United States is proud to be a partner in the reforms that Serbia has undertaken over the past decade. We will continue to work closely with you and your government as you begin to take the difficult steps necessary to achieve European Union accession.

It is with a profound sense of the significance of this moment of opportunity in our bilateral relations and in Serbia’s modern history that I take up this assignment. I look forward to working with you closely to achieve our mutual goals and to address our shared concerns.